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Romeo's POV

It's a day before the gala and everything is ready, the decorations and catering have all been sorted out. I've ordered extra security in case the Russians pull something. I don't want to mess up. The gala is for unity and peace. It's when the mafias come together to enjoy themselves, make announcements and form alliances. It's a rule not to use violence or cause trouble, but with the Russians, you never know.

It's early afternoon and Lorenzo just told all of us to gather in the living room. We're all very very confused as to what he wants to tell all of us.
I pick Leo up with one hand and take Mia's hand in the other.

'I wonder what he's going to say,' Mia says.

We sit on the couch and the rest of the family comes in. Lorenzo stands and grins happily. All his teeth are showing and we can't help wonder what made our Lorenzo so happy.

'So.. I have a surprise for you all, but don't be too surprised. But mainly this is for Mom and Dad.' He begins.

'Mia can I see your necklace? The one with the heart pendant?'

All of us are confused, especially Mia. She removes the necklace from her neck and hands it to him.

'So here is a picture of my sister when she was born. Mom and Dad gave her a necklace with her name and birthday on it. And here is Mia's necklace.'

All of us stare at the two objects and .. wait.. no.. is it...? Is she....?

'When is your birth date?' Lorenzo asks Mia again.

'September 28 1996' Mia and Violetta say in unison. Realisation hits them and everyone is shocked to the core.

'You're our daughter,' Antonio says softly. Tears started to well up in their eyes.

Mia was still in shock showing no reaction. I gave her hand a light squeeze and she turned to me.

'You found your parents, baby.' I say giving her an assuring smile and kissing her cheek.

She turned back to Lorenzo, 'How did you-'

He cut her off saying, 'When I first saw you, you looked so familiar and I saw your necklace the day we went clubbing. I started putting 2 and 2 together, did some digging and found out that you're my sister.'

'Wait- so my girlfriend is your sister?' I ask in disbelief and everyone laughs.

Violetta hugs Mia and says 'I'm so glad we found you, mia cara figlia.'
(my dear daughter)

'We're so sorry Mia. We should have found you sooner. We're sorry we took so long.'
Antonio says tears in his eyes.

Mia softly says, 'It's not your fault.'

The rest of us watched the happy family reunion and smiled.

'Dude. You"re gonna be my brother in law. Damnnn' Lorenzo says nudging my shoulder.

'Ahaha yeah right.' I say.

'Don't you dare hurt my sister. I'll kill you.'

'Really man? You're really gonna kill your lifelong best friend?' I ask jokingly. He laughs and shrugs his shoulders in response. 'Well now that we got my little sis back. I'm gonna have to be the overprotective brother.' He says and everyone laughs.

My family goes back to their rooms and lets them catch up. We have a nice lunch and I spend time with my woman and my little boy all day.

Mia's POV
I can't even imagine. What just happened? Violetta and Antonio are actually my real parents? And Lorenzo is my brother? Does that make me a mafia family member? Oh wow this shit is complicated. I'm in my room thinking about what just happened. Just then Lorenzo knocks on my door.

'Come in,' I say.

'Hey. How are you doing?'

'Good. What's up?' I ask him.

'Nothing.. just wanted to see my baby sis.' He said smiling. 'I can't believe my sister is here in front of me..and she's dating my best friend!'

I laugh and he does the same.

'It's nice..to know I have a brother. I've always wanted a sibling.'

'Welk now you have a brother but I'm gonna be hella overprotective. I'll kill Romeo if he hurts you. Trust me.'

We sit just joking around and laughing for a while. After a while Lorenzo turns serious and breaks the silence.

'Listen I uh- Romeo told me about your parents. I'm really sorry.'

'It's okay.'

'I'm just thankful you grew up with such wonderful parents. I'm really sorry we lost you, Mia. I hope you don't blame Mom and Dad.'

'No no. I understand it's not their fault. I'm really relieved to know I wasn't abandoned or something.'

'We'll make sure nothing happens to you again. I'm definitely sure Romeo will protect you too. He likes you a lot.'

Lorenzo looks hesitant but pulls me into a warm hug anyways.

It's finally nice to know I found my real family, and they're actually really great people.

Yayy!! Mia found her parents!! This was pretty quick but I just wanted to reveal it now so that it'll be more interesting in other chapters. So what do you think? Also what are your fav languages? I love Italian because it just sounds so sexy and romantic. It's so dreamy.

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