It's Time

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Mia's POV

Our baby is due in over a month and we decided to keep the gender a surprise. I've been having pains in my stomach all morning.  I actually don't feel so good and Romeo is getting worried.

'Amore, it's not fine. I see that you're uncomfortable and you're not feeling well. Come. We're going to the hospital.'

'I don't want to get out of bed...'

'Fine. I'll call the doctor and see what we can do.'

He gets up to grab his phone and starts calling my doctor.

He ends the call and walks toward my side of the bed.

'She says it's best if you get hospitalised since you had the injury and the baby may come soon and all.'

I groan, not wanting to see those plain white walls at the hospital again.

He crouches down so he's at my eye level and moves my hair away from my face.

'We'll go in the evening or tomorrow kay?'

I nod, clearly not happy with the idea of being hospitalised for a whole freaking month. Romeo has already missed so much work looking after me and he probably will have to do more if I'm at the hospital. I don't notice I'm frowning until he kisses my furrowed brows and gets in bed beside me.

'Don't give Mama so much trouble, little one.' Romeo says rubbing my belly.

I feel the baby kick in response, making Romeo smile. The baby always responds to his touch. I remember the first time it happened.

We had driven to a nice area overlooking the sea and we were sitting together, watching the sunset. My head was on Romeo's shoulder and we were talking about the baby. I suddenly felt a movement and quickly placed his hand on my belly, so we could confirm it. The baby kicked so hard I winced, but Romeo started tearing up. And of course, I started bawling my eyes out. It was so emotional, yet so special for both of us.

'You okay, honey? You look pale.' My mom says.

'I'm fine. Just feeling a bit sick.'

My mom nods and hugs me before leaving with a cup of coffee.

Emma and Bria walk in, followed by the guys.

'Mia, you look really really sick. I think you should see the doctor.' Emma says, concerned.

'Yeah, we will. Romeo says, handing me a cup of apple juice.'

The guys talk about work and of course the rest of us get caught up in girl talk.

Suddenly, I feel something wet and look down. There's a puddle at my legs. I did not just pee myself. My thoughts are cut off by a sharp pain shooting up my spine, followed by one in the stomach. I let out a pitchy scream.

'Shit.' I say in realisation.

'Amore, what happened? Are you okay?'

'It's coming.'


'Romeo...the baby is coming.'

I was panicking but Romeo was frozen like a statue.

'Romeo!' I cry out in pain, snapping him out from his trance.

'Dude, Diego get the car ready,' Matteo says as Bria rushes to get my hospital bag.

Emma rushes to my side to help me stand. The pain was getting worse now. Lorenzo was shaking a very shocked Romeo.

'Romeo, dude. My sister is in pain, and your baby is on the way. Fucking do something!'

'Shit shit shit. It's really happening,' he mutters.

I'm in labour.

Finally, the man of the hour helps me into the car as we rush to the hospital. Romeo holds my hand, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I breathe heavily, trying to endure the pain.

Romeo's POV
We arrive at the hospital and I quickly rush to a nearby nurse to let her know. We are taken to a room and the doctor starts examining her.

'Mr. De Luca, your wife is 7 cm dilated so we must wait till she's ready. I'm sorry but it's too late for an epidural.' She says and walks out of the room.

'It's okay, Amore. Just breathe, take deep breaths.'

Mia is sweating a lot and it hurts to see her in so much pain. I wish I could do something.

Soon, she's 10 cm dilated and the doctor starts the process.

'Okay honey, I need you to push when we tell you to.'

I give Mia my hand and she nods.


Several minutes pass and she's still pushing.

'Okay, one last push, dear. You can do this.'

Mia pushes with all her energy, her hand squeezing mine so hard, it hurts, but I don't mind if it makes her feel better. She's probably suffering a thousand times more pain than this. After a few seconds we hear a cry.

'Congratulations Mr and Mrs De Luca. It's a girl!'

'You did great Amore,' I whisper.

The nurse hands me my baby girl and my heart swells. She's beautiful, just like her mom. She has her mother's eyes, brown and full of light. I turn towards Mia and she smiles at our little bundle of joy.

Tears stream down her face and I softly wipe them away. The nurse takes our baby to check up on her and stuffs and I watch Mia sleep.

Sorry for the late update guys. Been a bit busy. Also I know nothing about giving birth or labour so forgive me if I made any mistakes. See ya!

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