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Romeo's POV

A couple of months have passed and we're just enjoying life. Mia and I have gone on a couple of dates, and I just really admire this woman. She's fucking amazing. I have a big surprise planned for her.. and it

'Is it ready?' I ask Matteo.

'Yep! All set,' he replies.

'Thank you for doing this, my man. She's gonna love it.' Lorenzo smiles at me before giving me a fist bump.

'Okay..let's do this. I'll meet you guys this evening.'

They nod at me and I walk out.

'Dada!' Leo exclaims as he sees me and jumps up and down on Mia's lap.

'Hey baby,' Mia says as she reaches up to kiss my cheek.

'Hey,' I say. 'I um want to take you somewhere this evening.' I rub the back of my neck nervously.

'Sure. Where are we going?'

''s a surprise. Wear something nice. I'll get Leo ready so you have more time.'

'Awwn thanks baby. Can't wait!' Mia winks at me before turning back to Leo playing with him.

Yep, his first word is 'papà'. I still remember the first time I heard it.

I was having a really stressful day at work and I was really drained. Mia is waiting for me when I get home. Just seeing her makes me happy. Her nightmares are gone for good now and I'm really happy. She picks Leo up to tuck him in but he pouts and turns to me.

'Papà,' he says.

'Did he just say papà?' I ask Mia, not sure I heard correctly . Maybe I'm hearing things from exhaustion.

'Yep. You heard right. Who's that?' She asks Leo, pointing at me.

He point at me and says, 'Papà.'

Tears start to well up in my eyes and Mia smiles. 'That's right. Now give papà a kiss will you?'

He pecks my cheek and giggles.

Mia hugs me and whispers. 'Congratulations baby, he just said his first word.'

Fuck yeah! My son just said his first word. He's officially talking!

End of flashback*

Mia's POV

It's nearing fall so I settle for a beige knit wrap dress, pairing it with some ankle boots. Romeo has been really secretive. I have no idea where he's taking me, but honestly, I'm really excited. I do my makeup and put on some red lipstick. I look great.

Mia's outfit above^

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Mia's outfit above^

Romeo walks out of the shower, water dripping from his wet hair.

'Damn, you look fucking amazing.' He takes my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. 'I love you Amore.'

'And you look as handsome as always. And you're half naked so go get dressed' I tell him giving hiss ass a little slap.

He smirks and picks out something to wear.

'Let's go bella.'

He picks Leo up and we walk towards our car.


We soon arrive at a certain unknown place. I can't see anything because it's dark. Suddenly my sight is covered as Romeo ties a blindfold over my eyes.

'Come,' he says and puts his arm around my waist.

'We're here.' I open my eyes to see that everything is now brightly lit.

There's a building in front of me. It looks like a restaurant? We walk in and it's empty but you can tell it's meant to be a restaurant or something.

'What's this?' I ask Romeo and he shrugs.


I look at him with a questioning look.

'So you told me you wanted to open a restaurant someday and that you love cooking so much. We've all eaten your dishes and we know how amazing your food tastes. So I bought this place for you, so you could open the restaurant you always dreamed of.' He says taking my hands in his and looking into my eyes.

'You did this? For me?' I ask unbelievably.

He nods.

'I didn't design anything because I knew you would want to do the interior and stuffs yourself but yeah. This is yours,' he said.

'Oh, Romeo. You didn't have to. But this is incredible! Thank you. Thank you so so much. This is fucking amazing!' I shout and he laughs.

The rest of the evening is spent celebrating the event and we're sitting at one of Romeo's restaurants with the family, having dinner.

I lean up and kiss Romeo softly and whisper,' Thank you. Really. It's a dream come true.'

'Anything for my queen,' he says.

'I love you, cuore mio.'

'I love you too, amore mio.' He rubs circles between my thumb and index finger.

Leo is looking at us and babbling. We laugh at him and he tilts his head, confused.

I'm happy. I always wanted to have my own little restaurant. I can already see how it looks. The fact that he remembered what I said makes my heart flutter.

Here's a short little chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Also, what are your favourite songs?

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