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4 years later
Mia's POV

I'm in the bedroom, changing when Romeo's hands snake around my waist startling me.

'You scared me!'

'Mmhmm I missed my wife all day.' He mumbles kissing my neck making me giggle.
'Get the kids. It's time for dinner.'

'I don't want dinner. I want you.' He pouts.

I literally had to drag him into the kitchen. As soon as the smell of seafood hit my nostrils, I felt nauseous so I had to rush to the bathroom.

'You okay, Amore?' Romeo asks holding my hair. 'Shouldn't we see a doctor? It's been like what, the sixth time this week?'

I shake my head weakly as I lean on the bathroom wall.

'I'm pregnant.'


'I said.. we're gonna have another baby.'

Romeo looks at me, jaw dropping.

'I'm gonna be a father again!'

He pulls me up and hugs me tight.
'Why didn't you tell me earlier? We're gonna have a little baby. Oh Mia, thank you thank you.'

I laugh at his expression, knowing he's excited. He's been having baby fever for the past few weeks.

Romeo's POV
I'm going to be a dad again. We're having a baby. I beam at Mia and she smiles, kissing my cheek.

We had dinner and we're now in the bedroom as Leo rushes in, Aurora following behind.

'Mama! Aurora says I'm not your real son. Is it true? Are you not my real mom?' Leo starts crying.

I stare at him with wide eyes and Mia looks just as shocked.

'Aurora! Who told you?'

'I heard Uncle Matteo and Aunt Emma talking.' She says, looking guilty.

'Leo, come here.' Mia says pulling him onto her lap.

'I may not have given birth to you, but you are my son and you will always be my son. You won't understand what it means now, but you will someday. You are my son Leo, and I love you so much. Okay?' Leo nods but the tears don't stop flowing.

'Mama and Dada loves you so much. Don't cry baby.' She says rubbing his back.

Aurora is crying now too.

'Baby girl, come here.' I tell her. She runs to me, jumping into my lap.

'Did I do something wrong Dada?' She asks me, hiding her face in my chest.

'No,baby girl. It's not your fault.'

'I didn't mean to..'

'Aurora. It's okay baby. We know you didn't mean it. Don't cry. We love you both so much, alright?' Mia says.

They nod and we pull both of them into a big hug.

It's a few days later.
We went the doctor and we are indeed having another baby.
The kids are on the floor playing with their toys while me and Mia are cuddling on the couch.

'Should we tell them?' I ask her.

'Sure. Why not?'

'Aurora. Leo. Come here.' She calls.

'You're going to be a big brother and sister. There's another baby in Mama's stomach.' I tell them.

'A baby?' Aurora asks.

'Mmhmm, a little brother or sister.'

Leo looks a bit worried and Aurora looks confused.

'Even if the baby comes, we will still love you both the same. You'll love the baby right?' Mia asks as they look curiously at her.

Leo sits on my lap and puts his hand on her belly. Mia smiles, pulling Aurora onto her lap. Emma and Matteo are now engaged and Lorenzo is going to propose to Bria soon. Diego is happily married, and the mafia is doing really well. We do more of the legal business now.

This is it. Our family. The life I've always wanted. I love Mia with all my heart and I will always love our babies. I can't imagine life without them. It's us, together, forever.

'I love you.' Mia tells me, kissing my cheek.

'I love you.' I say and kiss her forehead.

~The End~

Ahhhh! It's finally over!! Let me know if you liked this story and stay tuned for more. Follow me for updates and stuff. Also, thank you to all my readers. Thank you for giving this story a chance and I love you guys so much. You mean a lot to me. Until next time, loves. Bye!

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now