🚨Book 2 On The Way!!🚨

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Hey besties! So I'm starting on the second book. This is the first book of the De Luca series and I'm thinking of changing the name of this one to Romeo De Luca.

The second book is about Leo and will be named Leonardo De Luca. This book was more of a normal romance book but Leo's will be more mafia-like and a bit more intense in all aspects.

Also please please please tell me if you would like Aurora's story too or if 2 books would be enough for this series? I really wanna know what you think.

I was going to complete Ghosts before starting on Leonardo De Luca, but I'm kinda having writers' block with Ghosts so I'm gonna work on Leo first! I'll try my best to update fast but please bear with me. I don't usually plan my stories ahead. Like, I know the basic storyline, but I just go with the flow when writing. Which means, you guys can leave ideas so I can get more inspiration!

Also, follow me to get notified when the second book goes up!  What are you doing? Go follow me and let's have some fun!

See you in the next book, besties!

Addition: I changed the name of this book guys. It's now Romeo De Luca!

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now