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(May contain slightly violent scenes)

Romeo's POV
It's a few weeks later. The Russians have been causing trouble every now and then. We've caught a lot of their men and tortured them but no one knows where Antonov is. We've been trying to locate him but apparently he's off the grid. For now. He can't hide that long. My brother is the best when it comes to tracking and all that stuff.

Violetta is talking about Mia when she was a baby and we're all just enjoying our weekend. After a bit more talking, we hear Leo crying on the baby monitor and I get up to go to him.

'I'll get him,' Mia says. 'I need to feed him anyways.'

With that, she goes upstairs. After about 5 or 10 minutes, we hear a scream from upstairs. I rush to the nursery to find broken glass everywhere, the window open, and my girlfriend and son gone.

'Fuck!' I say slamming my hand into the wall.

My men are behind me, ready for any orders.

'Secure the perimeter, and find them! Right now! They can't be far. I want them back as soon as possible! You hear me?'

'Si, Capo,' they say and leave.

Violetta and Antonio are pale and shocked. My parents are calming them down.
My phone rings and I gesture to the boys to come with me and we go to my office.
I pick up the phone and out it on speaker, giving it to Matteo to track.

'De Luca.'


'What do you want?' I growl.

'You,' he says.

'You have 5 days. Either you find us and come or your son dies. I already have a present for your little girlfriend so don't worry. I'll make sure she enjoys it.'

'Don't you dare touch them,' I sneer.

He laughs evilly.With that, he hangs up.

Matteo shakes his head. 'Burner phone,' he says.


'I put a tracker in Mia's necklace. Can you track it?' Lorenzo asks.

I hate this. I don't want to put them in danger. This is my fucking fault. If anything happens to them, it'll be the end of me.

Mia's POV
I wake up with a pounding in my head. My vision is blurry but I can see that I'm on the bed in what seems like a huge bedroom.

'Babe, you're awake!' I recognise that voice right away. Fuck. How could I forget?


'So good to have you back.' He says grinning creepily. Fuck.

'Why am I here?' I ask.

I suddenly remember Leo, and frantically look around the room.

'Looking for him?' Jake says pointing to a crib beside him. 'He's okay. Don't worry. We won't hurt him. At least not yet.'

The door opens and a man in his 30s walk in. He has a light stubble and he's shorter than Romeo. He looks Russian.

'What do you want?' I ask angrily.

'You.' Jake says.

'Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nikolai Antonov. I'm surprised Romeo hasn't told you about me. And this here, is my trusty partner, Damien,' he says pointing to Jake.

Realisation hits me as I recall that one time I heard Romeo shouting in his office about the Russians and a certain person named Antonov...

'Yep. I'm Damien. But you can still call me Jake, if you want. Thanks to Nikolai, I got you back. I'll make sure you'll never leave again.' Damien says with a devilish grin.

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now