An Accident

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Romeo's POV

It's been about two months since our baby was born. She's a healthy little girl, and she has the same hair colour as mine. Leo is a loving big brother, although he still can't talk much. He loves to cuddle with her and he likes playing with her hands.

'Leo, gentle on the baby.' I scold him.

'Baby..' he says looking at his sister.

'It's okay baby boy. Just don't be too rough.' Mia says.

We named our baby girl Aurora. It just seems fitting for a pretty girl like her. I'm gonna have to deal with a lot of boys when she grows up. It's definitely gonna be a headache.

'Just wait till she gets married,' Mia would tease me.

The past few months have been amazing, we've had so much fun as a family.

Also, our wedding is next month. Mia decided she wanted to get back in shape before wearing her dress and all. 

Mia's POV

We decided to go out for dinner tonight. We hadn't really gone out since Aurora was born.
I wore a black off shoulder dress with a pair of nude heels. It's been so long since I last wore heels like these.

Mia's dress above^

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Mia's dress above^

We made it to our car and we get the kids settled in their car seats as Diego starts the car.
We made our way to a fancy little restaurant and had a nice cosy little dinner. I watched as Romeo fed Leo, who looked so eager when he saw the food. He loves to eat. I feed Aurora my pre pumped breast milk as Leo watches. I feel kinda bad he didn't get to breastfeed much when he was younger but he did have some of my milk after Aurora was born. He's a little over a year now, so he prefers eating food instead of milk now. But he still asks for it sometimes.

'You like the food?' Romeo asks me and I nod smiling at the pasta.

'It's amazing.'

'Not as amazing as your food.'

My restaurant is doing really well. It is in fact becoming famous among both rich and regular customers. Many people come to do business, but most of them come to enjoy the food. I'm very proud and so is Romeo.

Romeo's POV

Diego brings the car to the entrance and I strap the kids in. Mia climb in on one side while I sit on the other, the kids between. We pull out the driveway and get stuck at the traffic lights. The kids are asleep and Mia seems a bit tired too.

Just as we pass the intersection, a car comes speeding towards us and collides with Mia's side of the car. Everything happens in slow motion and I am brought back to the present when I hear ticking.

Diego grabs the kids in their car seats and I quickly carry a now unconscious Mia out of the car. Diego manages to cross the road with the kids but we don't get far from the car when it blew up into flames. I shield Mia with my body as some glass pierces my legs. What the fuck?

Mia was still not conscious. She hit her head pretty hard and a big piece of glass cut her arm. I looked up to see Diego shielding my kids and I sigh, relieved.
We manage to get to the hospital, as doctors rush around examining her.

'Mr De Luca, we need to do a CT scan for your wife. Seems like she had a bad concussion.'

'Doctor, she's losing too much blood,' a nurse shouts.

'The glass also cut an important artery so we need to do a blood transfusion right now,' he explains.

I feel weak hearing all this. My wife.. mi amore.. I hope she's okay. They do all they have to do and the doctor comes to tell me that the concussion is bad and she's in a coma. Just as we're talking, the monitor beeps loudly, causing everyone to rush to her. My heart beats so fast. No, this can't be happening.

'Her heart rate dropping!' I hear someone shout as they do CPR or whatever the fuck it is they do.

I rush to her but they stop me halfway.


Okay guys, I don't know about babies and breastmilk so forgive me. Also, I'm not a doctor so the medical conditions are random lol. Just letting you know. But this is Wattpad, so anything can happen 🤷‍♀️

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now