The Wedding

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Chapter 19
'Mia.' I hear Romeo's voice outside my door, barely above a whisper.

Everyone forbade us to sleep together tonight.

Feeling a rush of happiness, I ran to open the door as quiet as possible.

'Hey.. I missed you.' I said hugging him as soon as he closed the door.

'I missed you even more. Your fucking brother was so close to tying me to my bed.' He grumbled.

I chuckled at his annoyed expression and he kissed me slowly. It's fun, actually, having to sneak out to meet each other.

'What are you smiling at?' He asks me, confused.


'I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow.'

'I know right. I can finally call you my husband.'

We spent a few minutes cuddling before Romeo had to leave, very very reluctantly might I add.

'Lorenzo will kill me if he knows I snuck out to see his sister,' was what he said.

The next day

I 'm admiring myself in the mirror as I turn around checking if my dress looks okay. I hear someone knock on the door. It definitely can't be Romeo cause the girls..and guys.. haven't let us see each other since last night.

'Come in.'

'Oh darling, you look beautiful,' my mom says as soon as she sees me.

'My daughter. You're getting married. My dad holds my hand and I think I might have caught a glimpse of a tear.

'Mom, Dad, I love you guys.'

'We love you too, Mia. Romeo is a lucky guy and you're a lucky girl.'

'You two were made for each other.'

I smile at their words and Leo runs in.

'Mama! Mama! Woahhh...'

'Come here, baby boy.'

'You look like a princess, Mama.'

'Why thank you handsome little prince. Are you ready?'

He nods smiling. My baby boy is all grown up. He looks so handsome in his tux, his hair styled just like how his dad usually does it.

'Mia! Is that you?' Emma exclaims, pretending to not recognize me for a dramatic effect.

'Wow girl, my brother is damn lucky. How did he end up with a Queeeeenn?' Bria says examining me.

'Thanks guys.'

'Mia. Here are your shoes.' Lorenzo says walking in.

'Wait, why do you have it?'

'Um...Romeo might have stole it? Just take it.' He says rubbing his neck.

Something was written on the sole of my heels.

'I love you always and forever, mi amore,' it said.

Romeo's POV

'Bro, you okay?' my brother asks me. No I'm not. My hands are shaking and I can't stay calm.

'Um no. I'm nervous as fuck.'

He laughs at me like it's so funny.

'You? Nervous? '

'The mafia king nervous for his wedding is now my new favorite thing to watch.' Lorenzo joked punching my arm.

'Shut up.'

'Here, Emma told me to give it to you.'

'My shoes!? I thought..'

Oh....Mia stole them. I stole hers too.

'Romeo you are my forever and I love you till the end of time.' She wrote the words on the soles of my shoes and let me tell you, her handwriting is a work of art just like herself.

I smile putting them on and straightening my suit.

Aurora is with my mom and last time I checked, she's doing okay.

Romeo's suit^

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Romeo's suit^

'It's time.'

I'm standing nervously at the author. I swear I can feel sweat dripping down my neck.
The doors open revealing a very very beautiful Mia. My heart beats faster as she approaches me. She looks like a greek goddess.

Mia's POV
I'm at the entrance of the church with my dad.

'We're so proud of you, Mia. Romeo is a good man,' he says kissing my forehead.

I smile at him. I'm finally doing this.

As soon as the doors open, we walk down the aisle and my eyes lock with Romeo's. He looks extremely handsome today, but again when does he not look good? Wait, is the big mafia man crying? Oh yes he is. His eyes are filled with tears but he gives me his million dollar smile. I smile back at him as my hands join his.

The priest says whatever he has to as we stare at each other with so much love and adoration.

'Do you Romeo De Luca, take Mia Holmes to be your lawfully wedded wife?'

'I do,' he says tears still filling his eyes.

'Do you Mia Holmes, take Romeo De Luca to be your lawfully wedded wife?'

'I do,' I say. I'm also crying at this point. I just pray my makeup remains intact.

Leo gives us our rings and we exchange them.

'You may now kiss the bride.'

Romeo doesn't waste a second to grab my waist and kisses me like it's only the two of us in the room. His hands crawl up my back as he pulls me closer to him. The cheers of the audience brings us back to reality and he pecks my lips before pulling away.

'I can't believe we're married.' Romeo says whispers in my ear.

'Me too. I love you.'

'I love you too baby.'

I feel complete. This is what I've always wanted. Romeo makes me happy. He completes me. Our kids are also the biggest blessings in our life.

Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. But they're married! Woohooo!!

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