The Perfect Dress

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Romeo's POV

Mia's recovering now. She has headaches from time to time but the doctor says she's doing great. Leo is walking now, so he walks around Mia's room everyday when she's resting. He would bring his toys from the nursery and play there. He doesn't have the nightmares anymore and Aurora doesn't cry much now. Although, she can be feisty sometimes.


'Yes, Amore.'

'I need to plan the wedding.'

'Mia. You're still not well. We can postpone it till you've recovered completely.'

'But I want to get married next month.'

Knowing that I can't argue with her, I agree.

'Fine. I'll hire a wedding planner then, but promise me that you won't overwork yourself.'

'Okay. I won't. I promise.'

I kiss her forehead and get ready for the day. We found out the cause of our accident, and apparently, Nikolai had ordered someone to kill us, my heir especially, before we killed him. We found the man, tortured and killed him too. My family is finally safe but until how long I do not know. This is mafia life and I don't really like it.

Mia said she's going out with Emma and Bria to find a wedding dress and all that stuff. I'm just gonna work today.

Mia's POV

I'm feeling so much better. My head was pounding so hard for days after I woke up, I thought it might explode. It's now just slight headaches, nothing serious. So we're looking at wedding dresses, and the girls are browsing through the showcased dresses and pointing at ones they like. There are at least 10 that they chose and I can already tell it's going to be a long day.

I'm on dress number 8 and still not satisfied. My head is aching but I'm determined to find the perfect one. The last 2 dresses are not bad, but it's still

'Miss, there's one new special edition dress if you'd like to see. It's quite expensive though,' the sales assistant says.

I didn't want to spend a lot of money, but Romeo insisted I find the best dress and buy what I love, no matter the price.

'I'd like to see it.' I tell her and she takes me to a section and opens a curtain, revealing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

It's an off shoulder, backless lace dress. It's beautiful.

 It's beautiful

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'This is it. I love it!' I exclaim and the girl sighs in relief.

I try it on and the girls squeal in excitement.

'Wow. You look amazing!' Emma says.

'Damn, gurl! This is so nice!' Bria shouts.

After paying and what not, we go back home.

The wedding planner came by for our first meeting that evening and we talked about what I wanted the wedding to be like and she will do the rest.

I sink into the bed, tired of all the activities. Rubbing my temples, I close my eyes to relax.

I hear the bathroom door open and Romeo walks in, shirtless. Water is dripping from his hair and my eyes trail his toned torso down to the v shape peeking out from his towel.

'You feeling okay?' He asks and I smirk.

'Much better.'

Damn this man is hot. I can feel the tingly sensation down there already. It isn't helping that we haven't had sex since the accident.

As if hearing my thoughts, he stalks towards me, mischief in his eyes.

'Oh, naughty are you?' He asks.

I pull him close and kiss him, devouring his lips. He pulls away and I huff in frustration.

'Someone's impatient,' he says and chuckles.

In one swift movement, he's on top of me, towel deserted somewhere in the room.

I stroke his length slowly, earning a groan from him. Soon, I'm naked and his finger is sliding in and out of me, hitting the spot. I feel myself tremble. I'm close.

'Come for me baby.'

I close my eyes and release all over his fingers.

Before I can recover, he's inside me pumping in and out, kissing and sucking me everywhere.

'Fuck. I missed this. So tight.'

His thumb rubs circles on my clit, as I moan in pleasure. I feel him pulse soon and he growls as he releases inside me.

I scream his name as I climax at the same time. We fall onto the bed, panting and our sweaty bodies entangled.

'I missed making love to you.' He whispers and I hum in response.

'Good night, mio amore.'

'Good night.' I say and kiss his forehead as we both fall into a deep slumber.

Another chapter guys! I'm undecided on which story to publish next. I have two stories I started but I still need new ideas.

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now