Awkward Feelings

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I woke up to a heavy weight on my stomach. I looked around and Romeo's hand was wrapped tightly around me. I almost forgot that Romeo stayed the night. My cheeks had just begun to heat up when Romeo spoke.

'Morning, beautiful.'

I blushed even harder. I must be as red as a tomato at this point.

'How are you today?' His raspy morning voice was hot and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

'Better, you?' I managed to ask.

'Great,' he replied beaming.

Ahh I'm too embarrassed so I get up and walk to the bathroom. 
After having a warm shower, i walked back into the room. Romeo was no longer there. He must have gone to shower too. Just as I walked out the door to go down for breakfast I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up to see Romeo smirking. I feel my cheeks heat up and murmur a quick sorry before walking away.

'I came to get you,' he said.

I just nodded and he chuckled. Maria had made pancakes and we ate in comfortable silence. I was so embarrassed this morning I didn't even notice Romeo was dressed in an all black suit, hair slicked back with gel. He looked amazing. Yep, I was definitely drooling. He caught me checking him out and smirked. I smiled sheepishly and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.

'I'll be home late today, 'Romeo says coming towards me. I just nodded.

'I'm gonna go check on Leo.'

I opened the door to the nursery and sure enough the little boy was awake and reaching his arms towards me.
I was feeding him when Romeo walked in. He kissed Leo's forehead and said goodbye before turning to me.

'I'll see you later then.'

'Okay. Have a nice day!' I called out as he left the room.

Here's a short filler chapter. The next chapters are gonna be good. See ya!

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