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Romeo's POV

'She's back!'

Thank God. She's alive. She's okay.

'Mr De Luca, she's stable now but we have to keep a close eye on her. She'll be okay. The doctor smiles at me.'

I hold Mia's hand, tears falling down my face.

'Sir?' A nurse asks me from behind. I turn to look at her and she points to my foot.

'You're bleeding.'

They give me a few stitches, but it's not as bad as Mia's. She had 8 stitches on her arm, the glass cut pretty deep.


Mia is now transferred to a VIP room, and I'm currently with Diego, having my babies checked. They weren't injured, luckily. Mia took most of the impact, but they would still be frightened by the bomb and all. Hopefully, their hearing won't be damaged cause it was pretty loud, even my ears are still ringing a bit.

Mia's parents are with her. The rest are here too.

'The kids are fine. Your son may have a few nightmares for a while, but they will disappear over time. Your daughter may not remember any of this as she's very young, but she too may cry often. They are both okay otherwise,' the doctor says.

I nod, not being able to speak.

My throat hurts and my heart aches for Mia. She's been hurt before, she'll probably suffer more this time. I finally carry Aurora to Mia's room while Leo is in Diego's arms.

My parents offer to watch them for a while, while I check on Mia.

Her eyes are closed, and thank God, she looks calm. I pray to God that she wakes up soon. I need her back. I was always an independent men but now I can't seem to function without her. She has become my backbone, my life.

'Mi amore, please wake up. I need you. The kids need you. How can I look after Aurora alone? Who's going to sing Leo to sleep? Please Amore, please stay strong for us.'

I hope she hears me, I really hope she does. Aurora starts crying and I had a lot of trouble trying to calm her down. I cried beside Mia but I can't cry in front of my kids. They're watching my face. I must be strong for them too.


2 weeks have passed, and I have had sleepless nights. Aurora has been crying a lot like the doctor said, and Leo has had nightmares 6 times during these 2 weeks.

I was able to get Mia transferred to our house, so I could keep her close. The only movement she has had is her fingers reacting to my touch but that's all.

My mom and Violetta helps watch Leo but Aurora doesn't let me leave her. She always clutches to my clothes when I try to leave. I can't leave the room without her.

'Amore, how are you today? If you can hear me, remember we love you.'

I put Leo's and Aurora's hands in hers so she can feel their warmth and presence. She looks beautiful, even in a coma. I brush her hair from her face and kiss her. Her eyebrows become furrowed and I see some around her eyes.

I quickly call Antonio and he doesn't take long to arrive. Just as he does, Mia's eyes flutter several times before they finally open. She struggles to keep them open, but Antonio does a quick check and tells me she's okay.

'Amore. You're awake.'

A tear slips down her cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

'Mia, baby, it's okay. You're okay now.'

She stares at me and I give her a kiss.

'You need to rest baby. I'll be here when you wake up.'

Her eyes close soon and she falls asleep.

Relief washes over me and I feel extremely grateful Mia's awake. Wanting to be there when she wakes up, I rush to take a shower and feed the kids. Mia's pumped breast milk had run out last week and my mom had to help me breastfeed Aurora while Mia was unconscious. It was a struggle to get her to sit up and all but we managed to do it.

I finally eat something hearty and return to her room. It doesn't take long for her to wake up again. This goes on for a few days. She wakes up a few times during the day, but only for a short period of time, then sleeps the whole day.

Ahh the book is ending soon! I'm so not ready.

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now