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Romeo's POV
I'm woken up by shuffling. I open my eyes to see Mia rushing to the bathroom. The morning sickness is affecting her so much, she looks so pale these days. I would take the suffering if I could.

'It's okay, baby. Take deep breaths,' I say, holding up her hair. I help her to the bed and she lies down.

'I'll get you a glass of water. Okay?'

My mom is in the kitchen when I go to get it.

'Mia?' She asks knowingly.

' happens almost every morning now. I feel really bad that I can't do anything about it.'

'Just be there for her. Pregnancy is hard, so she needs your support.' My mom pats my back and leaves with a small smile.

Mis has her back to the door when I get back.

'Amore, are you okay?'

She nods and gets up to drink the water.


'Yes baby?'

'Can we travel somewhere?'

'You want to go on a trip in this condition?'

'It's going to be worse later on. I just want to go somewhere while I can.'

'Okay then. We'll go but we'll have to consult your doctor first.' She nods and smiles in agreement.

Mia's POV
The doctor said I was fine to go, so here we are in the car, driving to the airport. We decided to go to an Island that Romeo owns so that we can have peace and quiet.

'I just realised it's Leo's first trip.' Romeo says holding Leo's hand as he sleeps in my arms.

I smile at the little angel and admire his features. He looks so much like Romeo, they have the same eyelashes, long and curly.

The trip was an excuse actually. Romeo's birthday is next week and I wanted to spend some time with him alone.

Romeo's private plane comes into view and Diego carries the bags. Romeo takes Leo from me and holds out his hand for me. I follow him and we go into the bedroom at the end of the plane.
I yawn, feeling a bit tired. I couldn't sleep last night.

'Why don't you take a nap? It's gonna be a while.' Romeo helps me into bed and I fall asleep.

When I wake up, we have arrived. The island is beautiful and Romeo's house is huge. The waves roll gently onto the white sand as the sun makes it sparkle. The water is a clear blue and the air is salty. We settle down and relax for the rest of the day.

Romeo's POV
We've been here for four days, and today is my birthday. Mia wasn't in bed when I woke up so I'm trying to find her.
I spot her in the kitchen, making breakfast, in just my white shirt and white lace panties. She has that pregnancy glow and she looks fucking sexy. She sways her hips to the music playing from her phone, while she tries to make what looks like avocado toast. I watch her, admiring her beauty and the way her perky ass peeps out from beneath the shirt with her every movement.
I go to her and slide my hands around her waist, startling her.

'You're awake. Happy Birthday Amore.' She turns and gives me a long slow kiss. 'Here I made coffee.'

She hands me my cup and comes to sit beside me.

'How are you feeling? How's our little bean?'

'We're both fine, thank you.'

We enjoy our meal and talk about our baby. When we're done, I walk into the living room and see white balloons with our pictures on each and every one of them. Small white hearts are scattered around the floor and a small box is placed on the table in the centre.

There's a red heart under it with a big We Love You and two handprints. One I assume is Mia's and another is Leo's. What makes me smile is the little small hand drawn handprint in the centre.

'That's our baby's.' Mia explains and I beam at her.

'When did you prepare all this?'

'Last night.'

'Amore, did you even sleep? You shouldn't be losing sleep you know.'

'I know. I slept once I was done. Don't worry.'

She hands me the black box. 'Open it.'

I look at her and shake it trying to guess what it is. Inside is a minimalist watch with a black leather strap. It looks really exquisite and just my type.

'Thank you baby. You didn't have to.'

'Turn it over, she says.'

I turn it over, looking puzzled and see our initials engraved on it. The date of the day we first met below it.

' really thought of everything.' I tell her.
She went to get Leo and just came back, Leo on her hip.

'Thank you thank you thank you.' I say smothering her with kisses. I give my boy a little kiss before putting the watch on.

We spend the rest of our stay swimming, sunbathing and lastly, having lots of sex. And.. it feels amazing every single time.

Okay guys, let me know if you want one more action/crisis chapter or if I should just wrap it up. I'm not sure what to do.

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