New Home

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You can imagine the house however you like but here's something like it.^

Romeo's POV

It was Saturday and I found myself waiting for her to call. What the hell is wrong with me? I need to focus. I tried my best to finish my work quickly so I could meet Leo as soon as possible.
I was on my way home when my phone rang.
'Hello Mr De Luca. It's Mia.,' a small voice said through the phone and I smiled a little knowing its her.
'Oh, yes Miss Holmes, have you decided?'
'Please call me Mia. I would like to take the job if it is still available.'
'Of course. Diego will pick you up at 4 tomorrow if that's okay?
'Yes, that will be fine. Thank you.'
'I'll see you tomorrow,' I ended the call feeling somewhat happy and excited. I was finally going to see her again.

Mia's POV

Today is the day I move into my new home. I hope I do well.
I'm currently on the car after Diego picked me up. We pass the big gates and the huge mansion comes into view. Never have I imagined living in such a beautiful place.
Romeo is waiting for me at the door and Diego helps me with the bags.
We climb up the stairs and there is a corridor with rooms on both sides.

'These are the guest bedrooms, the room at the end is mine and this is Leo's nursery. He's sleeping now but I'll introduce you when he wakes up. I'll give you some time to settle down before I show you around. You can choose any room you want. Maria, my housemaid will help you. ' And with that, Romeo walks away.

'Thank you,' I manage to say.

I chose the room closest to the nursery. I'm going to have to look after little Leo after all. I decide to take unpack a bit and take a shower.
I wear a sweater with some leggings. I love comfy outfits. I don't even like to wear much makeup.
I'm lying on my bed when I hear a knock on the door.
'Come in,' I say getting up and sitting on the edge of my bed. Romeo comes in looking handsome as ever. He's wearing black slacks with a white dress shirt. His hair is still a bit wet. He must have had a shower too. As if on cue, we hear crying from the nursery.
'And that would be Leo,' Romeo says chuckling.
God, his voice is sexy. We go to the nursery and I am greeted by a little boy with blue eyes bawling his eyes out. Romeo picks him up and tries to calm him down but Leo thrashes in his arms.

Romeo's POV

'May I?' her sweet voice asked.
'Sure, here you go,' I said handing Leo to her.

I watched as Leo stopped crying in her arms and nuzzled into her chest. She giggled and cooed, 'You're a cute little boy.'
We managed to put Leo to sleep again.
'You're good with him. I think he likes you.'
She smiles. Her smile is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I showed her around the house and we get to the kitchen just in time for dinner. We sit and the other guys walk in.
'Matteo, this is Leo's babysitter. Mia, this is my brother, Matteo.'
'Hi,' Mia said with a small smile.'
'So you're the one who's looking after the little Devil. Good luck with that.' Matteo says and I glare at him. He likes to call me the Devil and my son the little Devil. Well, he's not wrong. I am coldhearted when it comes to business. But, that's because I don't show much emotion. When you are in my line of work, you'd understand. Feelings are seen as weaknesses.
'And you have already met Diego.' I say nodding to him.
They smile at each other and we start eating.

Mia's POV
We eat in comfortable silence and Matteo cracks a joke once in a while making us laugh. I guess he's the outgoing type. Romeo seems like he keeps to himself though. He doesn't talk much during the meal. Once we're all done, I help Maria tidy up the dishes. She said I didn't have to but I insisted.
I fed Leo and he was a good little boy. Most children would make a fuss about their food but he was so obedient.
I was about to walk into my room when Romeo called out for me. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows gesturing him to continue.
' I have to leave. There are some problems at work. I hope you don't mind looking after Leo tonight. He should be asleep soon as it's his bedtime soon. I'm sorry to request this on your first day.
'Yeah sure. I was going to give him a bath anyways. I'll tuck him in.'
'Thank you. '

I pick up a smiling Leo from his crib and look out the window. Romeo is leaving with Matteo and Diego. He is ordering something to the other men before driving off. I bathe the little boy and sing a lullaby so he would sleep.

Although Romeo is very kind and friendly to me, I noticed that most of his workers and men respected him. Some even seem to be scared of him. He does radiate dominance and confidence but there's something more special and mysterious about him.
I finally made it to my room and feeling a bit tired, drift off to sleep.

Eeee! Mia just moved in! What's gonna happen?

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now