The Truth

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Romeo's POV
It is now Thursday and I'm in Leo's room. Leo is already changed and fed but Mia is nowhere to be seen. I went to the kitchen but she wasn't there either. She must have went back to bed. Weird. I have to do some work in my office so I took my breakfast there. A few hours has passed and there is not a sight of Mia. Something's up. It's not like her to stay in her room all day. I wonder if she's sick.
I decide to go to Mia's room and pass Emma on the way.

'Hey, Emma..umm...have you seen Mia? She's been in her room all day. It's gonna be lunch time soon.'

'Oh yeah. I was out with Matteo. I didn't know. That's weird. She never stays in her room for that long.'

I was about to go check when Emma called out, 'Romeo! What's the date today?'

'The 27th. Why?'

''s that day..'

'What day?'

'Um the day Mia's parents passed away. That's why she's like that. She probably won't come down for lunch too. It happens every year. She'll be fine.' Emma patted my shoulder and gave me a small smile before going to Matteo's room. Yep, she probably spent more time with him than Mia over the past 3 days.

I decide to give Mia some time and join the others for lunch. Once I was done, I put her lunch on a tray and walked to her room. I knocked on her room and there was no answer.

'Mia. It's me. I'm coming in okay?'

I opened the door and Mia was sitting on the bed facing the window. I put her food down on the bedside table and go to sit beside her.

'Hey,' she said with a small smile.

'Hey. How are you doing?' I asked while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

'I'm okay,' she said twirling a tiny trinket in her fingers.

'Emma told me. I'm so sorry about your parents,' I say.

'It's fine. I found this in my parents room after they died. It has my name on it.' She said showing me.
'I never found the courage to open it but I think I should now.'

'It's okay baby. I'm here for you. K?'

She just nodded and opened the trinket.
Inside was a folded letter and something else underneath. It was a small necklace with a pendant in the shape of a heart.
I held her hand as she opened the letter.

'Hey um do you want me to leave?' I asked her not wanting to intrude her privacy.

'No no. Please stay.' So I did.

She read the letter and started sobbing. Her hands were shaking and I pulled her into a hug comforting her.

She calmed down eventually and said, 'I'm..I'm-'

'Hey it's okay. Take deep breaths,' I said kissing her forehead and rubbing her back.

'It says that I'm adopted.' She gives me the letter to read. I look at her confused and rest her head on my shoulder as I look at the contents of the letter.

Dearest Mia,
If you find this letter, than it is probably time Time for what, you might ask? Well it's time you know the truth. This may come as a shock. 22 years ago, we found a baby all bundled up in a blanket sleeping on our doorstep in Italy. We looked around for signs of the parents but they were no where to be found. The only thing we could find was this necklace with your name on it. So that's how we knew your name. Your birthday is engraved inside the heart pendant so we knew you were only 2 years old. We took you in and loved you like our own. We moved to the states a year later. We will always love you, Mia. And you will always be our babygirl. As much as we want to hide this truth, you will eventually need to know. Once you're an adult, I'm sure you'll want to find your real parents. I hope you don't resent them if you do find out who they are. There must be a reason as to why they left you on our doorstep. Judging by the disheveled blanket and clothes, it doesn't seem like you were abandoned. I hope you find you answers, We will always love you princess.
Mom and Dad
By the time I had finished Mia was calm and had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I laid her on the bed and got in beside her. Her eyelashes fanned her face as her lips were slightly parted. My woman has gone through so much, yet she's so strong. I kiss her forehead before pulling her close to me.

Mia's POV
I woke up to see Romeo's chest in front of me. I snuggled closer to him as I thought about what had happened. I was adopted. ADOPTED. Mom and Dad weren't my real parents. That's crazy. What am I supposed to do now? I don't know if I want to find my real parents. Did they not want me? Why did they leave me? I wanted to know. I wanted answers. But how will I find them when I know nothing about them? They are probably in Italy, but I don't even know their names. My thoughts were broken when Romeo lifted my chin to look at me.

'Are you okay baby?'

'Yeah..I just don't know what to think. I don't know if I want to find them but I want to know why they left me.'

'I have many connections in Italy. I'll help you find them. Let's take this one step at a time, kay? Don't worry too much.'

'Thank you Romeo.'

'I brought you some food but it must be cold now. I'll heat it up for you okay?'

Okay... so Mia just found out she's adopted. Sorry if the letter is confusing. I didn't really know what to write. Anyways do you think she'll find her parents? Will they want her back? Did they abandon her?

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now