First Kiss

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Mia's POV

A week later

I woke up to the sun shining directly on my face. I forgot to close the curtains last night. Ughh. I don't wanna get out of bed. After tossing and turning I eventually got up to take a shower and get ready for the day. I got dressed in Romeo's hoodie that he left in my room the other day he slept here. I put on some biker shorts and put my hair up in a messy bun.

Similar outfit above^

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Similar outfit above^

Leo is awake and waving his arms at me. He is over 3 months now and he wants to be carried every time he sees me.
We go to Romeo's room and find him snoring lightly, his back towards the door.

'Your daddy's asleep. Let's go make breakfast,' I whisper to Leo.

Maria hasn't been able to come her lately since her husband has cancer and she has to look after him.
I put Leo in his chair and gather the ingredients to make some breakfast burritos.

Romeo's POV

It's currently 8 am and I just got out of the shower. I have a few meetings with my allies to catch up on our deals and discuss the Russians. I picked out a dark gray suit with a white shirt underneath.
I was walking towards the kitchen when I hear singing. I stand at the doorway watching Mia sing while cooking and feeding Leo. He was dancing in his seat smiling away. Such a sight to see. I love this woman heart and soul.

'Morning, bella.'

Mia jumped from my voice and laughed.

'Good morning. You scared me. How long were you standing there?'

'Not long. What are you making?'


As if on cue, the boys enter.

'Mmm... I smell food,' Matteo says as he hopped into the kitchen.

The guys have always been late but they come early now because they don't want to miss Mia's cooking.
Mia hands us our plates and we eat in appreciation.

'These are the best burritos I've ever had!' Diego says and Mia chuckles as I shake my head smiling.

'Thank you baby,' I tell Mia and give her a kiss on her forehead as she sits beside me.

I feed a giggling Leo while Matteo makes funny faces at him. Bria is on vacation so it's just the four of us and the guards.


The meetings finish early and I go home to my beautiful girlfriend. She is reading on the couch with a blanket draped over her. Leo is sleeping in his Moses basket and Mia pits a finger on her lips telling me to speak softly.

'You're home early. How was your day?' she whispers.

'Great. How bout you?'

'It was good but I missed you.'

'Me too. Let's go upstairs and watch a movie shall we?'

She nods and I pick her up and put her over my shoulder. She squealed and I picked up Leo's basket and walked up the stairs.
I put her on the bed and strip into just boxers. She stares at my torso and I smirk.

'Enjoying the view?' I ask making her cheeks turn red.

'You're adorable.' I tell her.

We settle down on the bed and turn on The Office, which is her favorite show. She snuggled closer into my chest and I kiss her head. We finish an episode and she turns to me.



'Can I ask you something?'

'Sure baby. What is it?'

'Where is Leo's mother?'

It seemed to have been bothering her and she seemed to be afraid of the answer. I sighed before replying.

' Before I met you, I used to sleep around with women and well, one of them got pregnant. I asked her what she wanted to do and all, if we should get married but she refused it and said she doesn't want to keep the baby too.'
Mia looked sad when I said the word married so I quickly continued.

'So when Leo was born, I brought him home and we haven't seen each other since. Last time I heard, she was seeing someone and soon getting engaged.'
I felt guilty telling Mia about sleeping with many women.

'None of them meant anything to me, Mia. You're the first one to make me feel this way. They were all one night stands. You don't have to worry about anything.'

She nodded and looked into my eyes. I can't help but admire her beauty as my eyes move to her lips. I lean in closer and soon our lips were locked together. I brought my hand to her waist bringing her closer if possible as she out her arms around my neck bringing my head closer. Our lips moved in sync, full of passion and desire. I licked her lower lip asking for permission which she granted. My tongue invaded her mouth exploring as we fighted for dominance. We pulled away after a few seconds totally out of breath. Mia started giggling and I smiled at her before giving her a quick peck on the lips. We spent the rest of the evening together.
Mia asked me if her best friend could come visit and of course I said yes.

Here's a little filler chapter. They finally have their first kiss. Woohoo!! Emma's coming to visit too. Also, please leave comments so I can know what you guys think.

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