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Mia's POV

Okay, so it's a few weeks later, and I've been so busy designing and decorating my restaurant. It looks amazing. I'm pretty proud of myself actually. I went for a modern design for the interior, with greens as the main colour.

(Ok..so I can't decide which one to choose so here are both inspirations for the restaurant).

so I can't decide which one to choose so here are both inspirations for the restaurant)

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The opening ceremony is in a few days and I just can't wait!

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The opening ceremony is in a few days and I just can't wait!

'Amore..' Romeo calls.

'Mmhmm?' I say, not looking up from my laptop.

'You need to stop working so hard and give me attention,' he says, groaning.

'Okay okay. What's up, baby?' I raise my hands in surrender and get on the bed beside him.

'Don't make me regret giving you the restaurant,' he says pouting.

I laugh.

'You're such a baby but I love you. So what do you wanna do?'

'I was just thinking we could go on a picnic maybe. At the beach or something?'

'Sure. When do you wanna go?'

'I was thinking this evening, so we could maybe watch the sunset and all?'

'Okay, let's go then. So we'll have to go buy some stuff at the store.'

So that's what we did. We're now at target buying stuff for the picnic. Romeo is getting some snacks and drinks while I'm just looking for some other stuff.
I go to checkout my stuff and when I'm almost done, Romeo joins me.

Romeo's POV

I watch as Mia unpacks the stuff we bought and put it in our picnic basket or whatever you call it.
Violetta asked if she wanted her to watch Leo, so that we can have time ourselves but Mia just shakes her head.
'We'll take Leo with us,' she says, 'I want him to see the beach .'

I smile as Leo giggles, as if he understands. I told you they have that mother son connection. He crawls over to Mia and she picks him up from the couch. I help her take the stuff to the car as she straps him in.

We drive to a nearby beach and as soon as the water comes into view, Leo babbles pointing here and there. We park and I take the things and we walk towards a nice spot by the water.

It's beautiful, the water is sparkling in the sun, and the waves are moving gently on the surface

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It's beautiful, the water is sparkling in the sun, and the waves are moving gently on the surface. Mia puts Leo down and he instantly crawls in the sand making weird faces and saying stuff we can't understand. It' his first time seeing sand and the beach after all. We laugh at his expression and play with him for a while. I open a bottle of champagne and pour some for each of us, and of course, milk for the baby. We eat some snacks and fruits and just talk about life.


I'm running on the beach lifting Leo in the air. He giggles and makes funny noises. Mia watches us smiling. The wind blowing in her hair. She looks like a goddess.

We wave at her and out of the blue, Leo points at her and says something.


I look at him and he says it again. Wanting Mia to hear it too, I rush towards her and sit.

'Leo..say it again,' I whisper in his ear.

He giggles and points at her.


Mia looks at me wide eyes and back at Leo.

Her expression changes and I can't tell what it is.

'Amore, what' wrong?'

'You're not mad?'

'Mad? Why would I be?'

'I don't know. It's just.. I'm not his real mother and his mom is still alive and all.. and I just feel...guilty? I don't know.' She looks away before looking down.

'Come here.' I tell her and she shifts so she's facing me.

'You have nothing to be guilty of. You're the one who raised him after all, not his mom. You deserve to be his mom more than she does. I'm not mad at you, baby. I'm actually really happy. You should be too. Leo loves you Amore. And I love you too.'

She nods and whispers,' I love you too amore.'

I pull her closer so she's between my legs, her back to my chest.

'I love you too baby boy,' she says to Leo, kissing his head. He looks up at her before looking down and playing with his toys.

This is perfect. This moment, this place, the sunset, the view, everything is just perfect. Thinking about it, I actually want more kids with Mia. I need to make her mine soon.....and I think I know the perfect time.

Okay.. so this was just a cheesy little romantic date. I promise things will be more interesting. I know the main stuff but I really don't know how to write fillers and all. Also, I'm working on a new book!! So follow me if y'all are interested.

Romeo De Luca (formerly Our Story)Where stories live. Discover now