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Contains mature scenes*

Mia's POV

It's been 2 weeks, and I'm almost healed. Romeo has stopped me from moving too much and I'm lowkey annoyed.

'I'll bring you breakfast.' He says, getting up to leave.

'Babe, I can go downstairs and eat.'

'Amore, the doctor told you not to move much.'

'But I want to see everyone,' I say, hoping the excuse will work.

'I'll tell them to come up.'

'Amore....' I groan in frustration. 'I'm pregnant. It's not like I broke my legs or something. I'm going down to eat.'

I'm really really mad at this point. These fucking hormones. 

'Alright alright. Just be careful.'

I sit up and walk past him, bumping his shoulder in the process. He grabs my wrist and spins me around so I'm facing him, my face inches away from his.

'Amore?' I don't look at him.

'Look at me. I'm sorry okay? I'm just worried about you and the baby.'

He lifts my chin to look at me, concern evident in his eyes.

I look away, suddenly feeling bad for my sudden outburst.

'Are you still mad?' He asks softly.

'I'm sorry. It's the hormones,' I say, tears threatening to spill down my face, 'i didn't mean to overreact.'

A few tears make their way down my cheek.

'Hey hey. It's okay, Amore. Don't cry, baby. Come here.'

I nod, trying not to laugh at how silly I look right now.

'Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable okay?'

I nod before tiptoeing to kiss him. He chuckles against my lips and leads me downstairs.


'How are you feeling?' my mom asks.

'I'm okay,' I tell her munching some salad.

'When do you plan on having the wedding?' Elena asks looking at our intertwined fingers, my engagement ring glistening in the light.

'We thought we'd have it after the baby is born and all. We figured Mia would be more comfortable then.'

Everyone nods in agreement as we continue eating.


I'm laying on the bed as Romeo walks out of the shower in just a towel. He looks hot, water beads dangling from his wet hair and he shakes them off. His muscles flexing as he does. I eye him up and down, feeling heat rushing to my core. I'm being so horny these days. Yep, gotta blame it on the hormones. He catches me checking him out and smirks.

'Like the view?'

I say nothing and turn away blushing, feeling embarrassed of being caught.

Chuckling, he pulls me up and kisses me softly and I marvel at the feel of his cold lips. My hands travel down his torso and slightly tug at his towel.

He smiles against my lips before whispering in my ear, 'perks of you being pregnant.'

I scoff and he laughs.

'What? It makes you horny and I like it.'

I pull roughly at his towel making it drop to the floor revealing his manhood. Wasting no time, he pushes me on the bed, hovering over me, his hands supporting his weight. He removes my panties and rubs his fingers along my entrance, my wetness gathering on his fingers. Aligning himself, he thrusts into me making me moan out in pleasure. His movements are steady, slow at first, before gaining speed. Our moans fill the room in harmony. He grunts and I scream as I'm about to cum but he kisses me capturing the escaping sounds. We reach our climax together and he pants as we relax, our heartbeats slowing down.

We lay face to face, his hands wrapped tightly around my sweaty body.

'We have an appointment tomorrow right?'

I nod looking into his eyes.

'Are you nervous?' I ask him.

'A little bit but I'm excited. Do you want a boy or a girl?'

'I don't know. I want both?'

He chuckles. 'We can always make more babies.'

I shake my head, smiling at the thought before closing my eyes and listening to his heartbeat.


We walk into the doctor's office, my heart beating so fast, it might explode.

'Hello, Mr and Mrs De Luca. Please have a seat. I'm a friend of Antonio, your doctor and he explained your injury,' the 30-ish lady said gesturing to my wound.

'If you'll lie here and lift your shirt, I'll do an ultrasound for you.'

I do just that and she applies some cold gel before sliding the equipment around my stomach. I hear faint heartbeats and tears start falling.

My baby..the heartbeat is like music to my ears.

I look over to Romeo, whose also holding back his tears, hand on his chest. He smiles at me, his other hand reaching to hold mine.

'Here's your baby,' she points at the screen. I admire my little blip and smile.

'The baby is healthy. I'll get the pictures for you. We'll schedule an appointment next month for a check up.'

She leaves the room and Romeo hugs me.

'Amore.. I can't believe what I heard. We're really having a baby. Our baby's heartbeat is so beautiful.'

I smile at his words , feeling so overwhelmed. I'm gonna be a mom.


As soon as we walk into the house, Emma and Bria rushes to us. 'Show me show me!!'

I show them the picture and Bria squeals 'Eeeeee! My nephew!! I love you already.'

Lorenzo chimes in, 'Hey! It can be a girl too ya know.'

He smiles at my belly before giving Romeo a fistbump.

'Proud of you bro. I hope it's a girl,' Matteo says walking out of the kitchen, coffee in hand.

'A boy.' Emma argues.

'Girl.' The boys stay in unison.




I shake my head, laughing as they continue to argue.

'Y'all it's my kid. Not yours. Now shut up. Boy or girl, he or she is gonna have amazing aunts and uncles. And you're all gonna love him or her.'

They all smile knowing they'll love the baby just like they love Leo.

Hi guys, sorry about my other book, I'm still trying to make it better cause I'm not satisfied, so I might just post it when this one is done. Anyways, new chapter!!

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