Chapter 1: Mystery Girl Pt.1

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Life is an endless battle, a battle that can't be put down easily, a battle that has no control, a battle that waits for nothing and no one. Since her parents passed away her life has been what she would call disastrous, her uncle took away everything that belonged to her, she was the only child, and it was fair to say her parents were stinkingly rich.

She has always lived a healthy and wealthy life with her mother and father, after they passed away.....what can she say? Her uncle whom was her father's younger brother, a husband to one wife and a father to four children, was willing to make the only daughter of his brother cry, for her to live on the streets and suffer. Aunty Saudat whom was his first and only wife, didn't really like to indulge herself in her matters.

His last daughter Asiya was her only friend and companion , the only person that was always there for her, even when she didn't need her.

"By this time we're supposed to be in school oo" Asiya came into the room, she was dressed.

And she was beautiful too, I thought, Masha Allah.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" She asked again

"I'm almost ready" I answered adjusting my skirt.

I picked up my hijab which was lying on the medium sized bed.
"Now I'm ready, let's go" I carried my handbag and we exited the room, to the living room.

Uncle Jamil was sitting on the couch, while Aunty Saudat was sitting besides him.

"Dad, we are off to school" He patted Asiya's head while i stood behind awkwardly.

"Mommy mun wuce." Aunty Saudat nodded and we left the living room.

I sat in the passengers seat of Asiya's car, before she roared car to life and we left the compound.

We arrived at school in fifteen minutes, the house was not that far from our school, it was 15 minutes while driving and 30 minutes on foot.

Asiya found a safe parking space, but because we were late,and almost all the spots were taking, she had to look around for a while before she found one, soon after we walked into the large school compound.

After going into school, like always, i stopped midway, and again like always, i looked up to the large glass window.

There he was, Aryaan Muhammad Azeem, every girls dream man.

As usual he was looking out the window, with that very calm face, which till today, i don't know how he holds it, even in the most funny situations.

He was wearing a light blue suit and a white t-shirt and tie from what she could see, the morning sun reflected on his face, and he looked like one of those fictional men, brought right out of a book.

He looked down from the window, when he felt a heavy gaze on him, his milky brown eyes, stared into mine, and I quickly looked away, embarrassed, this was not the first he had caught me staring at him, he just usually looks away, not stare right into my freaking eyes.

Someone cleared their throat behind me, making me turn around, I groaned at the person in front of me, really?

Naja'atu Usman Azeem, the most cocky girl in our whole school, Aryaan is her cousin and she has a huge crush on him just like the other girls. She fought many girls in the school for him, which I don't understand, i no grab at all, because why are you fighting for a man who doesn't even see you?

I even heard rumours that she's trying to force him to get married to her, again that's none of my business, I like him, actually, I'm obsessed with him, but not like anyone knew right? since I only look up to his window everyday in the morning, and not everyone is at school very early in the morning.


"Are you deaf ?" She snapped her fingers in front of me, I gave her a once over, she was always chewing gum, and I hated that thing! I hissed silently, a little bit annoyed.

For no reason I'll be chewing gum like one winch.

I turned around to take my leave, I don't want to create a scene, and definitely not with her.

"No one walks out on me when I'm talking, I repeat no one, you'll definitely regret this!" she yelled after me, but I just ignored her and continued walking, does she think this is secondary school? I saw Asiya walking towards me and I tensed up, if she saw her here she would definitely create a scene.

I'm not much of a fighter, mostly because I like to hold my peace, I like to hold it very well, but Asiya doesn't care, she can fight anyone and anybody in the world.

"Why are standing here?" She asked

"Nothing. Let's go" I answered, literally dragging her to the auditorium, where we were having our Lecture today.

Hey everyone, How are you doing?

You see the changes I'm talking about?!! No more cringeness😫.

I don't have anything to say rn, so I hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and share, Thank youuuu.

With love,

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