Authors note+Aesthetics+Characters+Copyright Claim.

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Hello everyone 👋🏻 for those that are coming back, you are highly welcomed back to Umma Khalthum, for those of you that are just coming, we welcome you to our club.

Ah ive missed you guys oo 🤌🏻

Well, ive been wanting to edit Umma Khalthum in a while, but Ive never really gotten the time. So immediately I was out of school for a few months, I took the opportunity and started editing.

Ive been pondering over so many decisons lately, first, should Umma Khalthum be available in Paper? Second, Should I move half the book to Okada Books and Selar and just leave the preview chapters here?

Well none of those sitted right with me, so I've just decided to leave Umma Khalthum here, this is where the story started after all, it belongs here.

Aish, enough of my surutu.

Ladies and Gentlemen. UMMA KHALTHUM.


Umma Khalthum Bello Mayana.
Twenty Three

Aryaan Muhhamad Azeem•Thirty One•

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Aryaan Muhhamad Azeem
•Thirty One•


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These are the main Characters, I'll explain more of them in the book.

Note that this is a Hausa book written in english, so at some point you're gonna see the hausa language which I AM NOT going to translate, so if you still wanna read you're welcome.

Thank you for clicking on that button everyone, I love and appreciate each and everyone one of you that is here.

As for the copyright, this book is a work of fiction, none of the characters are real, its all just a work of my imagination, so if it matches with your life or anyone you know, its all just a mere coincidence.

All rights reserved ©
From 2021 to 2023
Written by Memswritess.

UMMA KHALTHUM (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now