Chapter 10: She is all of that.

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I was driving back home.

I really wasn't expecting going back home without a headache, and also this late.

She was beautiful, Allahuma Barik.

My phone rang and I shook my head when I saw that both Affan and Ashraf were requesting to face time, I really wasn't in the mood, but I know if I decline their call one more time this week, I won't ever be able hear the end of it.

"Hello" Ashraf waved.

I roll my eyes.
"Wa'alaikumu salam"

He grinned stocking some more clothes into his black backpack.

"My people, How are you doing?" Affan spoke, he eyed Aryaan a little before raising a brow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"We are fantastic, where is your crazy wife?" Ashraf answered scrunching up his face when he asked about Aisha (Affan's wife).

Affan glared at Ashraf,
"She's not crazy!"

"Dude, she nearly took my ear off the other time I came to your house" Ashraf pointed out.

"That's because you ate all her brownies and you know how much she loves them " Affan defended.

"Even-" Ashraf started.

"Alright that's enough bickering for today" I cut off them off, they could literally do this for the rest of the night and not get tired and I was really hoping to go back home without a headache.

Affan smirked,
"Yes, I think its time we ask him about his date, don't you think?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right. Mr man why are you just going back home? I'm pretty sure its almost twelve am Nigerian time"

"I wasn't aware of the time, for your information"

"That means you enjoyed the date so much, you forgot about the time. Ah lallai hira tayi dadi"

I groaned.

"Guys please, can we talk about this some other time? I'm really tired"

They both laughed loudly, Ashraf even sliding down in the process, he was just being dramatic, what was even funny?

"Tabbas there is something going on, did you see your face? You looked so flustered" Affan laughed.

I rolled my eyes before hissing softly.

Ashraf made a mock salute,
"Sorry sir!"

Aisha popped her head into the camera grinning, and I laughed as I watched Ashraf's smile drop.

"Hello, Aryaan the good man." She greeted.

"Hello, Aisha. Ya jikin ki?" They found out two months ago that they were having a baby, and she has been very sick lately.

She smiled.
"Alhamdulilah, thank you for asking"

She and Ashraf bickered for a while before she said goodbye and left the room.

Ashraf wrapped his backpack around his shoulders making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

He smirked.
"I'm going to my girlfriend's house"

I shook my head, I hooted as I reached the gate of our house.

"Good night"

They all waved back.

I ended the call and sighed, ready to call it a night.

Hey, bye.

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With love

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