Chapter 27 : School And Relationships.

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After a few weeks time, the little break she took was over and she had to go back to school.

Everything felt so new, she didn't know what It was, was it because she was returning as a married woman, or was it because she was returning as a lecturer's wife, not just any lecturer.

But, Mr Aryaan Muhammad Azeem.

Hmm, nobody needed to know that. In as much as she wanted to shout it to the whole world that he's her husband, she knew better than to do that.

These past few days had been like hell to her not because she was been maltreated or anything like that, no, it was the way he avoided her so much. It was even worse than the first two weeks of their marriage, because at least then she bumped into him three to five times.

Before she gets ready and comes downstairs In the morning, he has already left for work and she knew there was no lecturer who left for school at 6 am, and at night he only comes back when she's fast asleep.

She had always thought of going up and meeting him to see if she had done anything wrong, but sometimes when she ponders over how they have been ever since her birthday she suddenly looses the little strength she gathered.

Today, everything got easier for her because Ameer was in Aunt Neehal's Chamber, so she only made breakfast and got ready. When it clocked six thirty two am she came downstairs and went into the kitchen, shortly she came out with a basket in her hands.

She kept it on the dining table and proceeded to the living room, to wait for him. She didn't hear his car, so she's 100% sure he still hasn't left.

Yes, she was ready for anything today.

After sitting there for like nineteen minutes he came down from the stairs, she couldn't help but stare at him, he looked so Masha Allah. But from the way she sees it he has lost some weight and his skin is more fairer than before.

He had his eyes fixed on his phone, and for a moment she thought that was irresponsible of him, but who was she to talk?

He felt her eyes on him so he looked up, scolding himself for not waking up early today.

He looked away from her, why was she all dressed up?

"Ina kwana" She greeted softly when he approached where she was sitting.

"Lafiya" he answered shortly.

"Uhm, breakfast is ready" she pointed to the dining room.

He gave the dining room one glance before he looked away
"I'm running late"

She raised an eyebrow but chose not to say anything.

"Just a minute" she raised a finger and practically ran to the dining, she picked up the basket and her phone and walked back to were he was standing.

"I'm ready" she panted a little.

He raised an eyebrow.
"Where are you going?"

"School" she answered shortly.

He turned around to look at her from head to toe, she was wearing a blue skirt and blouse which hugged her shape perfectly, she had a big white veil around her shoulders, she hadn't apply much on her face just some powder, kohl and lipgloss, but she was looking like one takeaway.


Her eyes widened

He almost laughed at the panic etched on her face
"You're not going anywhere like this"

She looked at herself, and for a minute she felt like smacking him.

But, she couldn't help the big smile that spread across her face, but she was quick to hide it before he saw it.

"Okay Wait," She kept the basket down and turned around to look at him "I'll be back".

She walked fast towards the stairs, halfway through the stairs she turned around "Please don't leave" She made her best puppy face before she ran back upstairs.

Even after she was out of his sight, he still stared at the empty space she passed through.

What was this weird feeling in his heart and why is it here, he hadn't felt this in so many years, and even if he tried to control it, he couldn't, that could only happen when he was away from her and that is why he has tried so much to stay away from her.

But, somehow she always found a way back into his head.

He hadn't noticed when she came back completely changed.

This time around she wore a black Abaya and a Milk Hijab, it added to her beauty so much, that he almost lost his breath.

Ya Rabb, She looked so beautiful.

"Is this alright?" She asked her eyes searching for any disagreement on his face.

He shooked his head no still staring at her.

At this point she was almost crying
"Please, please, let me go, from today on wards you can choose whatever you want me to wear"

She desperately wanted to go to school, she had missed a lot of her friends especially Asiya, well she was her only friend and just a few more even though they always talked on the phone she still wanted to see her.

He looked into her eyes for a split second and looked away.
"Let's go"

She squealed a little and mouthed thank you.

When they arrived, she started to panic, she had been so excited about coming to see Asiya that she hadn't plan on how she was going to get out of the car without getting noticed, they were a lot of students roaming around the teachers parking space.

He turned to look at her
"Were here" Ya Allah! This girl made him talk so much.

She nodded a little and made an attempt to get out of the car. He was watching her closely and she seemed tensed, what happened again?

Sighing he got out of the car nodding at the few students greeting him, he walked over to her side and opened the car door.

"Madam, we've arrived" he said sarcastically.

She felt embarrassed and stepped out of the car, suddenly everyone stared at them and some even went ahead to point at them, and she felt like crying.


He stared at her for a minute or two and he couldn't miss the slight pout she had.

He quickly shook of the thoughts of the things he could do to them to the back of his head.

They walked side by side to his office and she stopped in front handing him the basket.

"Thank you" a soft smile crossed his face.

She smiled too.

"You're welcome"

She walked to her class with her head hanging down.


She heard Asiya shout from beside her.

Oh Ya Rabb.

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