Chapter 13: Just like everyone else.

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"You are just wasting our time abeg" Kashifat yelled.

"I'm coming" I yelled back.

Today is the day they are bringing my lefe and is a tradition that when they bring it the bride must not be in the house, so Aunty Murja told us all to go out somewhere.

I put on my hijab and flat shoes, I picked up my phone that was on the bed and walked out of the room.

I came out and glared at Kashifat.
"I'm out, can you stop yelling?"

Kashifat grinned.

"Wai yaran nan har yanzu baku bar gidan nan ba? toh kada ku bari na iske ku a wurinan" Aunt Murja shouted from inside.

"Come on let's go, you know how Aunt can be" Asiya said running outside, we all trailed behind her also running.

We all leaned on Asiyas car panting, Asiya sat in the drivers seat, Kashifat sat on the passenger seat, while Khalthum, Zainab and Samira sat on the back seat.

"Where should we head to now?" Zainab asked, as they were on the road now.

"Ice cream!" I squaled, I really miss all the time we spent together, when we used to sneak out to get ice cream, the good old times.

"Yes we can have ice cream, and maybe we should also go to the park for all those fun water rides" Samira clapped.

We all laughed.
"Don't you know you're a big girl now? You still want to go on water rides?" I teased.

She gave me a weird look.
"No, thats not it, I need it for my Instagram"

We laughed again,
"Su Sami an zama influencers"

We chatted on the way and we didn't even realize we had already arrived until when Asiya parked.

The place has not change that much from the last time we came here like a year ago, just a few touches.

Our normal table was taken so we took another free one which was close to it, so we could get the same view.

I ordered chocolate flavor while they all ordered Vanilla, expect for Samira who went for Mint flavor.

After waiting for a while, our orders came, I didn't even know when I started swallowing hard, Ice cream duniya ne.

"This one that you love ice cream so much, your husband has work oo" Zainab said grinning.

"Don't worry I'll warn him" Asiya chirped in showing her stupid teeth.

Samira and Kashifat laughed slightly.

I shoot daggers at Zainab as I felt a blush creep to my cheek, yeah thats my weak point there.

"Owwee she's blushing" Samira cooed earning herself a deadly glare.

"Will you guys keep it down? I'm trying to do something here" I said trying to avoid the topic, but it seemed like this girls weren't getting the hint.

Kashifat raised an eyebrow.
"We will give you all the time you need, don't worry"

I completely ignored them and dug into my ice cream, I closed my eyes letting my taste buds do all the work.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I looked back, a tall and well built man was stood there. He was dark in complexion, not that dark tho, just in the middle of dark and fair.

Wetin he dey do here?

He smiled and then walked closer to were we were seating, he pulled out a chair and flashed us a beautiful smile.

"Can I?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure" I answered him forcing out a smile as well, because all the others were busy staring at him, Asiya averted her gaze from him and turned to give me the 'Are you okay?' look.

He sat down.
"Assalam Alaikum ladies, my name is Mahmud Abubakar Musa" he paused for a minute and looked at Asiya who quickly looked down.

Suddenly, this became interesting
"Uhm, continue" I urged him.

"I've seen one of you and Masha Allah, let me come clean, nagani inaso"

I smiled despite how fast my heart was beating, it was obvious he was referring to Asiya, but you never know with this boys, so i silently prayed for it not to be me.

"So which one is it? Asiya, Kashifat, Zainab or Samira?" I introduced them one by one pointing to them with my finger.

He half smiled and turned his gaze to Asiya.

"It's Asiya, the queen herself" He said it in the most sweetest voice.

"Awwn" Zainab said smiling.

"Shall we?" he asked standing up.

Asiya also stood up hiding her face from us, but i was pretty sure she was blushing. He moved away a little and she went ahead with him trailing behind her.

"You guys are just collecting fine husbands" Zainab said turning around to look at me.

We all laughed, and after like twenty minutes Asiya came back, and even though we were dying to hear gist we all decided it would be better if we go back home first.

We decided against going to the park since we weren't wearing the right clothes, which got Samira really pissed by the way.

And after much thinking we decided to the movies, there's this new Barbie movie that has been trending, so it would be nice to see what all the huss was about.

We got front sit tickets, thank God, some popcorn and sat down to watch the movie.

By the time we were out I wasn't feeling myself, the movie was just not about the princess barbie that we all used to watch, the one that had super powers and a prince charming, it showed us that Barbie was in pain as well, she had so many doubts about herself even though she was very beautiful, thats life for you.

It was already 8pm so we all just headed home to get some rest, today has been an eventful day.

The lefe was great, Masha Allah. I was stunned, it was 12 sets and 5 kits, if someone had told me that me Umma Khalthum would get this kind of lefe, I would've looked at him as if he was crazy.

But like the saying goes, kana naka Allah na nashi.


Hey guys💕

I haven't watched the Barbie movie, just some snippets on my socials and thought to include it.

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With love,
Maimuu :D 💜

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