Chapter 22: Pain.

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"Sorry" she apologised embarrassed

He had walked in on her some minutes later after the girls left with her head in between her kness as she sobbed quite loudly. It felt relieving to be able to cry loudly without trying to muffle your screams; well, it did feel nice for a couple of minutes.

He shook his head with a small smile that warmed her broken heart.

He kept the branded nylon he came in with on the bed side table and sat down a little further away from her on the bed as she was sitted on the middle of king sized bed.

"Umma" he called.

She raised her head up a little to look at him, the way he calls her name was intoxicating so she had to look up even if she didn't want to, she stared at him for about five seconds before looking away and muttering a Na'am.

Aryaan on the other hand stared at her for a certain amount of time, ever since he had looked into her eyes for the first time that day, whenever he looks into her eyes he couldn't look away first, and it bothered him so much.

"I'm sorry that you had to get married to me, im very much aware that you were forced" he started "Just like I was."

She looked up again, this time not looking away. She wanted to look into his eyes as he said those words.

He quickly cleared his throat, wishing she would look away,
"Like i said, I'm sorry. I wish I did something about it, but I didn't. So I want you to feel free, just---j--" he stammered a little and scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"I want you to feel like you never had a wedding, like you are not married right now, bana so na tauye maki hakkinki. Goodnight." He stood up clearing his throat, again.

"Thank you, Good night" she managed to croak out, pulling her veil again as she tried to hide her tear stained cheeks.

He nodded bending down a little to keep a box on the bed.

"This is from my Aunt, she said she forgot to give it to you earlier."

"Please tell her I say thank you" she said without glancing at the box.

He reluctantly nodded again and muttered another Salam before exiting the room.

She stayed like that for a while, trying to take everything in. When it became harder than she had thought, she slowly stood up and made her way to the large window that had the curtains pulled away.

She sighed as she pushed the glass open, breathing in the fresh air. It was clowdy outside meaning it was going to rain soon, the air was blowing softly as it caressed her skin. She thought about it for a while and decided to close the open window, she didnt want to go back to the place where she had promised herself to forget about years ago.

As she stretched out her hand to do as her heart said, a loud thunder erupted. Her heart stopped for a couple of seconds before it started beating so fast she could barely focus on anything.

Another round of thunder came, this one louder than the first and she stumbled back on the cold tiles, her eyes becoming heavy as dizziness took over, her breath had hitched in her throat and no matter how hard she tried to breath, she couldn't. She was having a panic attack.

She curled up on the cold floor as she hyperventilated, her breathing louder and faster than usual. She let her eyes flutter close, giving up.

The third thunder came and this time it came with a lightening that flashed the whole place, her head started shaking rapidly, the fear only increasing. She felt her throat close up and after trying so hard she finally opened her mouth and let the piercing scream roll of her tongue as she was finally able to cry, she let out screams after screams.

Aryaan who had just wrapped a towel around his waist to take a warm shower was startled by the scream. He was sure it came from downstairs where Umma's room was, without bothering about what he was in he rushed out of his room and down the stairs in a few seconds.

He kicked open the door as he stepped into the dimly bright room, he sighted her shaking figure on the floor, close to the window. He quickly walked past her to close the window first as it was raining heavily now and the water was spraying into the room and on her getting her soaked.

He kneeled in front of her and immediately pulled her close to his body, carrying her bridal style to the bathroom.

After he kept her inside the bathtub safely, he towered over her for a couple of minutes wondering what to do. He knew he had to get her out of the wet clothes so she wouldn't get sick, its not something he can back out from. He brought his hand forward hesitantly as he unzipped her gown inhaling sharply.

With much difficulty and self control he helped her out of the soaked gown and quickly wrapped a towel around her.

Umma was not unconscious, she was just blank as she stared at a particular space. She wanted to scream or cry or just do anything so she could get rid of the huge load in her chest, everything seemed blurry and she wasn't sure of what or who was around her anymore.

After he dried her hair and put the soaked clothes away, he picked her up bridal style again not stopping until he dropped her on the bed. He pulled the warm covers over until they reached her neck, a part of him told him he needed to change her into something more comfortable, but another part of him told him he couldn't control himself if he did so; so he decided against the idea.

He found a comfortable place beside her and settled down staring down at her now paled face. His heart beat fastened, scared of what may have happened to her. He only wondered then, what really happened?

Without getting any answer to his question he continued to stare at her while she fell asleep, sleep came slowly and he didn't know when he leaned onto her lap, falling deeply asleep.


He stirred slowly as she moved her waist to the other side, he looked around the room before everything slowly made sense.

He stood up immediately when she stirred again, his towel almost falling in the process, he was quick to catch it as a silent gasp left his lips.

He couldn't stop himself as he leaned in to kiss her forehead a small smile playing on his lips. With one last glance he walked out of the room leaving her as she slept peacefully.

Assalamu Alaikum.

Please manage with this, I'm very sick wallahi. I'm barely holding up so I don't appear lazy.

Well, I hope you like this chapter. Please vote, comment and share, Thank you.

With love

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