Chapter 16: Guilty conscience.

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"Where's my veil?"
"I can't find my shoes"
"Where did I keep my phone?"
"Someone should tie my scarf for me please"
That was the commotion that was going on in Asiya's room, everyone is getting ready for the kamu.

The kamu was starting at four pm and it was currently one pm I've put on my dress and bookie lavida has started doing her job, Artilary took a few pictures of me before the make up and will take another one after. Nate genius is doing his job of videography he has been short clips since we started the make up, he has also taken videos of my dress jewelry and shoes.

On the other hand, dazeita was doing magic on my bridesmaids face, they already looked so pretty before she was even done.

After atleast two hours we were all done and stopped to take a few pictures.

Minal's phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered.

She kept quite listening to what the other person was saying.
"Yes Aunt, we are on our way" she hung up.

"That was Aunty Murja, she said we have to hurry up the guests have already arrived" she informed.

We finished our photo and video session in roughly fifteen minutes.

We got In the same car with Sultaana, Ikram, Kashifat and Asiya, while the driver that was sent from the grooms family was sitting in the drivers seat of the Mazda.

While, Zainab, Samira, Farhaana, Minal, Fatima, Inteesar and Aleena got in the other car.

We arrived at the venue in less than twenty minutes drive, the driver packed in front of the large hall while two four other cars packed behind us, I closed my face with the veil as Kashifat and Asiya guided me out of the car.

My face was closed, but I knew there was a lot of people from the noise, Kashifat and Asiya were beside me, Zainab, Ikram, Samira, Sultaana, Minal, Farhaana, Fatima and Aleena as planned were all standing behind us in a line of two two people.

We walked in as 'Rawa rawa' by Nazir Sarkin Waka blasted from the speakers, the girls around me danced to their heart content, especially Asiya. I could feel how hard she was dancing because she was beside me which made me grin.

The photographer and video grapher made us stand for a while and then continued dancing to the place were suppose to sit, I sat down on a couch while the rest of them sat down on the soft carpet beside me on the floor.

After the Aunts and Mothers dancing it was time for the kamu, the Aunts of Aryaan came forward.

"Yan mata, let's see. Nawa kuke so?" one of the Aunties asked.

I heard Asiya and Zainab giggled a little beside me, muttering something inaudible to each other.

"Five Hundred Thousand" Asiya said, after they finished deciding with the girls.

I almost gasp at the price they set, who will give them that amount of money in this time? Five Hundred thousand kini?


Ah this people are loaded oo

"Since its settled can we now open our brides face?" This time it was a different voice, seems like she only just spoke now.

"Bismillah" Ikram said.

Soon my veil was lifted from my face slowly, suddenly I felt very shy and small with all the eyes staring at me, I kept my head down slowly praying that the eyes reduce.

"Masha Allah" All of them chorused.

"Tabarakallah Masha Allah, You're so beautiful, Allahuma Barik" She used her thumb to slowly lift my face up, and I had a short view of her face before I quickly averted my eyes, she was so beautiful, how can someone who looks like this call me beautiful?

All the other Aunties walked up to me and gave me a lot of compliments, I got so many gifts as well.

Soon everyone left to their sits while the rest left for the dance floor. My veil was now on my shoulder and a lot of people were coming for pictures, I was starting to get fed up at this point, I just needed a breathing space, plus my cheeks hurt from smiling too much.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around a little and almost rolled my eyes at what I saw, I had completely forgotten about her. Naja'atu stood with a large scowl on her face, she was not even trying to hide the disgust.

"So, you finally got what you wanted right?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

I didn't want to create a scene at my own kamu so I ignored her, she was right I finally got what I wanted. And at that moment i couldn't help but feel like the bad guy, how many hearts would be broken tomorrow? How many girls will cry and curse me tomorrow? I couldn't help but feel a painful sensation in my heart, because I knew I could've been one of them.

"Oh silence, that means I am right, listen whatever your name is I don't care, even after you get married to him he will never be yours! I have warned you several times now, but since you chose not to listen, don't blame for anything I do in the future" she said and glared at me before turning around and walking away.

I stared at her until she disappeared into the crowd before looking away, my whole mood was ruined now, I was frowning the whole kamu, I couldn't have felt any more worse than I was feeling right now.

When we got home I didn't say anything to anyone just took a shower and changed into my pajamas, I laid on the bed and closed my eyes, taking in today's activities.

'Don't blame me for anything I do in the future'

What did she mean by that? What was she going to do? I didn't know what she was capable and that made me more and more scared.

I hope she was just bluffing because my life just can't get any messier.

If i could remember clearly I wrote this chapter a few days after loosing my Yaya Abba to the cold hands of death.

Its been three years, April 24, Thursday 2021.

Please keep him in your prayers, he has been everything to me and I still miss him so badly, May Allah reward you abundantly.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, Bye x

With love

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