Chapter 28 : Midnight Snack.

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Rubbing the edge of his head, Aryaan slumped down on the sofa, he had a thrilling headache, sometimes he wished that he could just remove his head from his body so he would feel better. He had been in his room for only god knows how many hours and it was slowly suffocating him and he needed some fresh air.

His throat was dry, but he didn't know if he would be able to move even an inch.

The clicking sound of her flat shoes made him look up ignoring the countless warnings his head was giving him, even though he doesn't know exactly what the time was, but he was sure it was past midnight, he thought she would have been fast asleep by now.

On the other hand, Umma couldn't sleep, no matter how hard she tried, she only tossed and tossed on her bed, and suddenly she got thirsty and hungry, and even after she had drank some water from the upstairs fridge she still couldn't sleep, so at last she decided to come downstairs for a midnight snack.

This was a habit she's trying so hard to throw away, but she couldn't. She can just say it has become a part of her, back home she often gets scolded by Aunty Saudat whenever she finds her In the kitchen late, but she never stopped.

She proceeded downstairs and immediately went into the kitchen, Aryaan raised a brow, she didn't even see him, or was it that she just ignored him like he always did to her.

Umma looked into the fridge to find anything that she could just use, but there were only raw samosas and she had to fry them.


Sighing she brought out some oil and placed it on the gas, she would have put them in the oven, but she thought frying them would have been much easier for her.

She cut some onions and directly poured them inside.

She added 6 samosa rolls inside the oil.

Back in the living room Aryaan couldn't stop wondering about what she was doing so late at night, and after a few minutes the smell of what ever she was cooking inside that kitchen hit his nostrils.

Without thinking twice about the headache disturbing him some minutes ago he stood up and walked directly to the kitchen, there she was in front of the gas frying something.

He leaned on the kitchen door and just stared at her as she moved around, after some seconds he decided to make his presence known.

"What are you doing?"

Startled, she flinched and before she could react her pinky finger fell into the frying pan, she let out a loud yelp her eyes watering.

Aryaan quickly walked over to where she stood.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Does it hurt?"

She looked at him, even he knew that was a stupid question, but she just nodded anyway tears rolling down her cheeks.

Not knowing what to do, he slowly placed her pinky into his mouth, her eyes followed her pinky landing on his lips, Ya Rabb, what is he doing?

It was like magic, because all the burning sensation she felt magically dissappeared following along was coolness spreading all over her body, after some minutes he slowly pulled her pinky out of his mouth.

Something suddenly dawned on her, her samosas

Oh no.

She quickly skipped to the other side of the kitchen, turning the gas off.

She turned back to look at him after she had cleared everything and had her samosas on her plate.

He was still standing where she left him,
"Let's go"

Before he could say anything she had already walked out of the kitchen.

When he came out, she was already sitted on one of the sofas in the living room, she motioned for him to come with her hands and he hesitated before he walked to where she was sitting.

She moved back motioning for him to sit down and before he could control himself he was already sitted close to her.

She picked a samosa and handed it to him, avoiding to look at him at any cost.

He collected it from her, his finger brushing her hand in the process, she quickly retreated her hands shifting in her place.

Without saying anything, she kept the bottled water beside him and started eating.

After some few seconds he looked up at her again and their eyes met.

And at that moment it was like he never had a headache.

UMMA KHALTHUM (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now