Chapter 4: Pondering.

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School ended and they were heading home, she was facing the window as she was a little angry with Asiya, she made her look like a fool in front of Aryaan today, a stupid fool at that.

She could feel her look at her from time to time, but she just ignored her, she won't be able to keep quite for a long time, talking is her best friend.

"Come on you're still angry?" She asked

Knew it.

"I was just trying to help you" she added.

Did she just say help?

"Help me? Do you realise that you made me look like a crazy teenager out there?" She asked crossing her arms on her chest.

"Well now he may understand you have a crush on him, if he has that sense to, listen, you can't just keep it within you forever he has to know some day unless you can. And from what I am seeing you don't look like a person who can do that" she stated her eyes not moving from the road in front of her.

If she was to be honest with herself, she knew Asiya was telling the truth, she's been crushing him for so long, and at this point, its not a crush its an obsession. Aryaan is not the type to stay single, even though she has never heard about his relationship status at all, still, it was hard to believe that a man like Aryaan was single.

"I know" she said letting out a deep sigh.

Asiya smiled,
"Don't worry boo, everything will be over someday" she assured.

The two of them were quite during the whole ride home, it was really unlike Asiya to be quiet but maybe, she understood what she was feeling and decided to let her have a rest of noise. And she really appreciates her for that.

They said their salam as they walked into the living room, nobody was in there so they went straight to her room which was downstairs. Asiya collapsed on her bed and she shook her head removing her hijab.

She really wanted to have a long hot shower right now, hot water always solves everything.

"I'm going to shower" she informed picking up a towel.

"Okay mermaid" Asiya teased.

She glared at her playfully "You should go and take a bath too, my room is stinking because of you"

Asiya's eyes widen at her words and she attempted to throw a pillow at her but she dodged it, entered the toilet, and slammed the door shut laughing.

She took about thirty minutes in the shower, and when she came out Asiya had already gone to her room, maybe having her necessary everyday nap. Her body ached very much, but she had to make dinner, so she wore a light blue sleeveless t-shirt and a black skin tight and swung on her long blue hijab.

She looked up at the watch hanging perfectly on the wall,
"What?" She almost yelled when she saw the time, it was a quarter pass five, Aunty Saudat was going to skin her alive today.

She cursed herself internally, what is she still doing here? She's just wasting more time.

She put on her clean slippers and quickly walked out of the room silently praying that Aunty Saudat is still in her room.

She walked into the living room quietly, watching her steps so no one could hear her.

"Ke! Meye haka?" Aunty Saudat asked from where she was sitting, getting her startled.

She sighed and turned around to look at her,
"Ina wuni Aunty?" She greeted, and instead of Answering Aunty Saudat just glared at her.

"Kin aza abincin dare ko kina jira ni in aza miki?" She asked eyeing her.

She shook her head no, breaking the eye contact they held for some seconds,
"Aa yanzun zan aza"

"Toh ki jira inzo in cin miki wurin nan kinji?"

Before Aunty Saudat could say anything, she was already out of the living room walking into the murhu kitchen.

Heyyo beautiful people😉

Please, my tired is tired. We went to Ambursa today for gaisuwan rasuwa and we had to go to like seven more houses (im exaggerating lol) plus the hot hot sun🙂 well at least I'm alive to update for y'all.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter please don't forget to vote, comment and share to your friends and family even your enemies sef.

Bye x

With love

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