Chapter 32: Goodbye.

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"I can't believe you're leaving in such short notice" Asiya whined over the phone "... I didn't even get to say goodbye"

"I only just found out the day we came back from the house too, I've not even said goodbye to anyone"

"Okay then, I'll call you later don't forget to take lots and lots of pictures and please do have fun, love you"

"Love you too" she said and hung up.

She closed her suitcase and putted it aside, she was done packing, finally.

The day before yesterday, she had gotten the best news from her husband, they were going to Maldives, freaking maldives fah.

In some way she was super excited, on the other hand she was dreading how this trip was going to be, she just hoped that nothing goes wrong, because she doesn't think she could handle another 'wrong' thing in her life apart from all the things that are happening.

Sighing she slumped on her bed and pulled the duvet to her waist, apart from the air conditioner that was on, it was very breezy outsides and it looked like it was going to rain.

She closed her eyes pushing all the problems to the back of her head, and soon she fell into a deep slumber.


He tossed and tossed on his bed, his eyes were heavy, but coming to think of it he won't be able to sleep a wink today.

He knows.

He knows what he's doing is very wrong, and he just wished that he could turn back time and fix everything but it was too late now,and he can't back out of it.

It's too late.


"I promise to call you everyday," Umma said to the crying Ameer "... now don't cry"

They were already at the airport and everyone was there, Zainab, Inayah, Idayah, Hauwa'u, Farha, Asiyah even Asma'u was there.

Only the elders were absent.

After a whole lot of consoling Ameer finally stopped crying and she went to talk with the other girls, she didn't see Asma'u so she looked around, did she leave?

Her face fell when she spotted the two of them, they were in a deep conversation and Asma'u absentmindedly placed her hand on his shoulder, she wanted to look away but she couldn't so she kept staring at them her heart thumping hard against her chest.

"Umma, Umma!" Asiya tapped on her shoulder lightly, when she didn't answer she followed her eyes to where she was looking when she saw that her heart skipped a beat, was this the reason she insisted on coming with her to the airport?

She called her name louder and she flinched finally looking away.


"Please don't let this ruin your trip, please" Asiya was almost pleading, from the look in her eyes, this had hurt her deeply.

Khalthum just nodded and brought out her phone to distract her.

"I'll talk to her as soon as we get home, Insha Allah"

She shooked her head
"You don't need to say anything to her,"

Asiya glared at her
"Toh dole in mata magana"

Without saying anything she turned her attention to her phone.

After a few minutes Asma'u came back to where they were standing.

"Ya daina kukan?" Asma'u asked (Has he stopped crying?)

"Eh" Khalthum forced a smile.


Soon, it was time to leave so they said their goodbyes.


"Ladies and gentlemen good morning, welcome on board Peace Air, this is Captain Ahmed Isah speaking and I have some information about our flight, our flight time today will be 14 hours 5 minutes and our estimated time arrival in maldives is 12:05 am local time."

"What?" She asked shocked.

He turned to look at her "Hmm?"

"He said 12am"

"Yeah, it's the quickest flight"

She nodded her head, still a little bit shocked, that's so much time.

After all the announcements they were ready to fly.

They held each others hands and prayed for their safe arrival.

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