Chapter 6: Big Decision Pt.2

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It was already nine thirty, I was trying to sleep but I just can't seem to, what is wrong with me? and my head was aching really badly.

My door made its normal creaking sound as someone came in.

"Hey, are you already sleeping?" Asiya asked , I knew she would be the one.

I took off the blanket
"No, I can't sleep" I said sitting up

Asiya chuckled "Well, Dad is calling us"

My eyes widen,  Uncle calling everyone including me was not good. It meant trouble, real trouble.


"I don't know too, he just said I should call you and everyone else, I'm sure they must be waiting for us come on let's go" she said quickly.

I put on my hijab, and before I could put on my slippers Asiya grabbed my hand dragging me out of the room.

Everyone was sitted , Uncle and Aunt on the same couch while Faisal and Asmau on the same chair.

I'm sure Nafisa and Asiya were sitted on the same couch, so i settled on the carpeted floor.

Uncle cleared his throat after everyone was settled.

"So my long last friend called me yesterday, Alhaji Muhammad, I'm sure you know him" he said motioning to his children, since his words were not directed at me I kept mum, I didn't even know the man.

They all replied with a 'yes'
So he nodded and proceeded.

"Well you all know how much I hated him since I saw him on the news the other day. We went to the same school with him, but now he has more wealth that I could not even dream of ever having" uncle said gritting his teeth, his voice laced with anger. Aunt held his shoulder composing him.

Uh-oh I didn't like where this was going.

He sighed and continued.
"He called me yesterday, the fool was telling me about his struggles." He laughed dryly.

"So I've decided to get Asmau married to his son" he finally said.

Asmau was just shocked, let's wait for her reaction.

"What?" She shouted.


"Watch the way you speak to me Asma'u, this is for you, mine and your siblings good, we have to do this so we can become one of thw most known family like you've always wanted, or am I wrong? Then this is our chance to get what we've always wanted" Uncle explained but, Asmau wasn't having any it.

"But Dad why me? why don't you get Umma married to him. I love someone else"

I nodded my head, before realizing who they were talking about? Me? No no no no capital NO.

Aunty Saudat who hasn't said anything since the conversation started, supported her daughter's decision.
"Yes, why don't you get Umma married to him? that way we get what we want and we won't have to worry about what happens, see killing two birds with one stone"

I felt a pang in my chest as unshed tears clouded my vision, so I'm the girl whom no one cares about.

I looked at uncle hoping he would decline but, it seems he's thinking of considering what she said. I knew he must have felt my stare on him because he turned around and looked me straight in the eye with no sign of love or pity just hatred.

All my hopes were shattered as soon as we shared that look.

Ever since my Abba and Ammi died I've never wished for anything but to grow up as the best surgeonin k, the one everyone will be proud of but, it seems like nothing like that was ever going to happen, I was a fool for having that dream too, orphans don't have a right to dream.

I felt more pain as I remembered Aryaan, how will I do without him? all the dreams I had of him and I would stay as dreams forever now.

Uncle dismissed all of us after they finished discussing my so-called wedding with his friends son.

That night I don't know how or when I drifted to sleep but I slept thinking of how my life took a drastic turn in just 10 minutes.

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