Chapter 18 : His Halal.

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"Haba mana ku fito suna jira a parlour" Asiya hissed annoyed.

"Have some patience Ha'an, gata nan zuwa" Minal complained.

"Kada kisa mun lipstick only lip gloss" I warned Sultaana when I see her bring a red lipstick.

She rolled her eyes before picking up the pack of lip gloss and removing one, I parted my lips slightly as she apply the Lip gloss.

"Done!" Sultaana said grinning from ear to ear.

"Toh, toh let's go" Asiya said helping me to stand up straight, she wrapped the picked out creamy milk veil around my shoulders, I was wearing a matte colored lace so it fitted perfectly.

I rolled my eye at her impatience, here I am nervous as hell and she can't wait for me to go outside to the living room, I was so thankful that my face doesn't sweat, I would have been embarrassed as h*ll.

Asiya leaned into me.
"Remember what I told you, everything will be alright, just be yourself and play your tricks" she whispered.

"But I don't know any tricks" I glared at her.

She glared back at me.
"Aren't you a woman? you are the best at reading romantic novels and now you tell me you don't know any tricks."

She pulled me up and dusted my shoulders like there was something on it, I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time today.

They guided me downstairs with Asiya and Zainab at my side, Sultaana and Minal at my back with other relatives trailing behind us.

As soon as we reached the last step I inhaled his sweet scent and I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

Asiya noticed my tensed body, she started to rub my back in circles trying to calm me down.

That doesn't work for me anymore!

I shrug continuously for her to stop and she pulled her hand back glaring at me.

Soon we were in front of them, his scent still bothering my peace.

All of them walked back, leaving me and him only.

We stood there for almost a minute non of us making a move, but I could feel his intense gaze on me, it was burning holes in my body as usual making me squirm uncomfortably.

I looked up at him, he looked unreal in his blue Kaftan, he looked more refreshed than I saw him last time, His face didn't look welcoming at all, he didn't look like my Husband, he looked like the real Aryaan that I couldn't look into his eyes even for a split second.

Before I could come out of my trance I felt a soft hand grab a hold of my sweaty one.

He bent down a little to my ear, his breath fanning against my neck making me squirm again
"It's time for the pictures" he whispered.

I immediately shut my eyes, feeling the way butterflies erupted in my stomach, there was a whole zoo in there.

"Put both your hands on her waist, you put your hand on his shoulders and look at each other" Darkshades instructed.

He was a really fun and kind person, for the few days I got to know him he has been the most amazing, he doesn't even behave like a photographer, just like a best friend.

I looked away for some minutes before smiling and turning to him, he was staring at me, his brown orbs sparkling, he didn't look away as he grabbed my arms slowly wrapping them around his shoulders, he pushes his hands to my waist moving me closer to him technically hugging me to his body.

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