Chapter 8: Nothing feels better than this.

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It has been two days since the so called marriage thingy.

And I look horrible, my eyes were swollen from all the crying and I have huge black bag under my eyes, my mouth is dry like it has never seen anything like water in this life before, I didn't have good meals at all.

But, uncle is not even a little fazed, he's not thinking about this at all, the only thing that is on his important list is how to take his friends property, And am the one who's suppose to do the rest of the work.


There was a knock on the door and I looked away from the mirror and unlocked it.

Asiya came into view looking very worried I looked away and sat down on my bed.

"Stop punishing yourself Umma for Goodness sake, you look horrible."

I ignored her.

"Please move on, God wants this if he doesn't it will never happen"

She doesn't understand, no one understands.

"Please" she whispers again.

A little tear slipped down my cheek and I started to sob, really hard.

She came closed and hugged my shoulders comforting me.
"Everything will be fine, please, don't cry"

After trying to get rid of the huge lump stuck in my throat, I was finally able to speak.
"What about Aryaan? I can't leave without him"

"Shhhhh" she shushed me.

"Don't say that, all your life you have lived without him, so don't let it get into your head that you can't live without him, now ask for Allah's forgiveness."

I sighed as I said Astagfurullah.

Asiya managed to convince me stop crying.

She went out to get me some food muttering something like 'you look like a starved prisoner right now'

She also ordered me to go and take a bath.

I took my bath, I putted on a white material skirt and blouse.

I was about to sit down when I heard a knock on the door before I could answer the door burst open revealing Nafisa.

She came in without a salam and looked me up and down, I glanced at her just once before reaching my hand out and picking my phone which was laying on the bed side table.

She hissed when I didn't say anything, she was probably expecting me to say something about the way she barged into the room.

I no get strength for that one.

I still didn't react to that and just continued to use my phone.

"If you finish being miserable, Abba has ordered you to get ready your 'soon to be husband' is visiting you today" she informed emphasizing on soon to be husband.

I only nodded because of the way my head was spinning, I kept praying to Allah to ease my pain, because my head felt like it was going to snap out of my body.

She hissed again before stomping out and shutting the door behind her with a loud thud, I shut my eyes tightly and kept reciting some verses from the Qur'an, I felt much better after that.

Some minutes later, Asiya came in with a plate of noodles with a boiled egg and a glass of water.

"Hey, what was Nafisa doing here? I just saw her go out now" she asked indicating towards the door with her thumb.

I ignored her and when she got no answer she sighed.

"Anyways, im sorry I didn't come with the food early, there was no food in the kitchen so I had to cook this, you fo-" She trailed off, gaping at the tears that were rushing down my cheeks.

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