Chapter 31 : Visits And Confessions.

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Wiping off the remains of dust on the kitchen counter she puts away the cleaning rag and walks out of the kitchen.

Today, they were visiting her uncle and just the thought of that made her heart jump in excitement .

She had missed that house, even though they didn't have a good relationship with her Uncles family, she still loved them, so much.

She went upstairs to freshen up and when she opened the door Aryaan was inside , because he was on a phone call she didn't say anything to him, she just grabbed her towel from the drawer and went into the bathroom, when she came out he was still on a phone call so she just shook her head and sat down on the stool in front of the vanity table to get ready.

Finally, after almost fifteen minutes he hung up the call.

"I'm starting to get jealous of your phone"

A little smile appeared on his face
"Oh really?"

She said a Uhm and continued putting on her make up, when she didn't hear anything from him again she turned around and caught him staring at her.

For the first time in so many weeks she had felt shy in front of him, on many occasions if she caught him staring at her he'll quickly look away and pretend as if he wasn't, but today he didn't even try to hide it, he was staring at her hard.

Finally she controlled the butterflies that were erupting in her stomach and turned back to glare at him playfully
"What are you looking at?"

With no hesitations at all he said

"Oh my god" she said with a small giggle before she could control herself.

He also laughed and looked away shooking his head, he didn't know what this woman is doing to him.

What is wrong with this man today? She thought.

Even after she was done getting ready he was still sitting on the bed his legs crossed, staring at her.

When she was done with everything she finally turned and looked at him
"Aren't you going to get ready now? look I'm done fah"

He stood up and grabbed her hand
"Yes, I was waiting for you to finish getting ready, so you could help me get ready" he said giving her a cheeky smile.

"But, I have to get Ameer ready" she whined.

"His nanny can get him ready, now come on" he started dragging her by the waist.

"You know how stubborn he can be, please"

He still didn't let her go and continued dragging her to his room.


After a whole hour of him rejecting almost all his clothes, he finally chose a white gezna, and man did he look breathtaking

Subhanallah mutum kamar shi yayi kansa.

She held Ameer in her arms in the front seat because he refused to sit in the back.

Time to time she turns to right to get a glimpse of him, he looked so sexy while driving.

The fourth time she turned around he was also looking at her, she felt so embarrassed.

"Madam, am I that handsome that you can't take your eyes off me?"

She let out a low laugh
"Who told you am looking at you? "

He didn't say anything and just continued driving

Soon, they arrived at the house and he honked, and when the gate man saw her in the front of the car, he opened the gate without any questions.

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