Chapter 12: Her dumb makes him happy.

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I rubbed my forehead with my thumb as I listened to them talk, they were talking about the wedding date and I was not happy about it.

They set it to two weeks, how can I get married to someone I met yesterday in two weeks?

Aunt Neehal, Uncle Usman, Aunt Hajara, Aunt Salamatu, Abu and me are currently settled in Abu's chamber.

"The sooner the better" Uncle usman said.

"Yes, that's what I thought when he told me about it" Abu agreed.

"But, did he say anything about why he wanted to get them married this soon?" Aunt salamatu asked.

"Yes, did he say why?" Aunt neehal asked as well, stealing a glance at me, she looked worried.

Abu nodded,
"Yes, he said his family are planning on getting her married to a drunkard if she doesn't bring out a suitor"

"But, don't you think this could become a problem in the future?" Aunt Hajara asked.

"No, I don't think so, from the sound of it he would do everything in his power to secure a good future for her" Abu reassured.

Uncle Usman nodded.
"Well, we just have to ask him if he agrees"

Aunt neehal raised her eyebrows

Uncle Usman gave her a bored look.
"The groom of course, who else?"

Aunt Neehal rolled her eyes, before she turned to look at me just like how everyone's eyes turned to me.
"So, is the date fine with you?" Abu asked.

"Whatever is fine with you is fine with me Abu" I answered.

They all gave me satisfied smiles, while Abu gave me a worried look before dismissing me and promising to talk to me later.

I walked back to my chamber, at this point, the only thing i know my body truly needs is rest, for the rest of last week I didnt have any lectures at school, so I kept checking up on all the companies, I'm exhausted.

Mimi and Ameer were playing in the living room.

"Daddy" they both chorused running to where I was and attacking me with their little hands.

Why was Mimi calling me Dad? I don't know.

"How are you?" I asked.
The two replied with a 'fine' returning their attention back to their toys.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes, even though their noise was not letting me, I still tried to sink everything in.

I'm getting married again, an arranged marriage for that matter, Aryaan is this really you?

I smiled a little as I remembered her little panic attack, she looked so cute scared.

"Gaskiya wannan Amarya ta ciri tuta, see how you're just smiling to yourself like a mad man, please me too I want to be a mad man" Ashraf said.

When did he even arrive?

My eyes flung open and I gaped at a grinning Ashraf, Affan was standing beside him.


"Hey, will you talk or should we just leave?" Affan said clearly annoyed by my silence.

I glared at him.
"Well, what else do you expect?"

"Come here bro" Ashraf pulled me into a hug, "I missed you"

I scrunched up my face at his show of affection
"That's gross"
I replied and they all just laughed.

I look around trying to find the kids that were playing around me few minutes ago.
"Where's Mimi and Ameer?" I asked.

They both shrugged.
"I didn't see anyone here, did you?" Affan asked Ashraf

"No just your dreamy self" he teased.

I huffed.

"Maybe you're just imagining things, because of your lovestruck state" Affan said settling on the couch.

I shook my head.

Ashraf also sat down and I followed suit.

"Don't worry is normal" Affan added and I threw a pillow at him.

"You're mad" I said and he shrugged.

"Takes alot of practice"

Phew, I've been gone a long time🤭

Enjoy this short chapter while I go get some sleep😹 we have my cousins wedding and honestly I don't even know how we are gonna do this because I have schoolll, sha we go see. Thank you for reading

With love

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