Chapter 11: Or could it?

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I sighed, thinking about what did i time around. It was just 8: 30 In the morning while I was having my beauty sleep when Asiya barged into my room telling me that Uncle was calling me.

We didn't  have any lectures today so I decided to sleep longer, plus I had to make lunch later, but seems like in this household, its not possible.

"Okay, let me just put on my Hijab, I'm in my pajamas" I raised one finger before rushing to my wardrobe and picking up a brown hijab.

The two of us walked out of the room together,
"You look happy today" she whispered grinning.

I roll my eyes
"Of course am happy" I whispered back, at the same time opening the door to the living room, everyone was there, Including Faisal. Even saying his name made me feel bitter.

Faisal is Uncle's first son and the most perverted person I've ever met, he has the most biggest ego, he thinks he's all that. He claims to love me which I never understood because how could a person like Faisal like a person like me?

I sat down in my normal place, which was on the carpeted floor beside Asiya's leg.

I took a glance at Asma'u who has been glaring at me, I haven't seen her since yesterday. She looked pretty bad, she was fair so her face was red and her eyes were swollen, seems like she has been crying.

Aunt Saudat started by clearing her throat,
"Umma you met him yesterday right? " she asked and I nodded.

She glared at me.
"Has something caught your tongue?"

"Yes, I've met him" I replied getting a hint of what she meant.

"So we have decided your wedding will be in two weeks time insha Allah" She said again.

My eyes widened, I was happy, but two weeks? Sadaka za'ayi dani ne?

"But, Mom-" Asma'u started.

"We talked about this Asma'u, you refused to meet him at first, you said you were in love with someone else, do you want to ruin our plan? You want us to change the bride after he has met her?" Uncle cut her off, he looked infruatated.

Tears streamed down her cheeks,
"But, Dad he's the one I'm in love with!" She argued.

"I have made my decision, im sure some of our relatives will start arriving tomorrow, you can go shopping for the wedding with Asiya next week, You can all leave now" Uncle concluded.

Asma'u wanted to protest, but the look Aunt Saudat gave her made her stomp out of the room angrily.

"I thought I made myself clear when I said you could all leave" He glared at us.

All of us stood up exiting the room, Nafisa didn't even spare me a glance while she brushed pass me, while Faisal walks towards me.

Why is this one walking towards me?

I walked faster, my room wasn't that far.

"Stop" he said in between gritted teeth, I turned around to glare at him.


"Because i said so, you seem to have grown wings in just a few months, I'll cut them off with a snap of my fingers, remember that"

I turned around and smiled a little,
"I would like to see you try, Faisal"

I turned back and continued walking ignoring the way he was calling my name like one mad man.

Immediately I shut the door, I palmed my chest trying to calm my breath, I was so freaking scared, I have never spoken back to Faisal before, he looked so surprised, forget about him, even I was surprised.

I needed to take a bath to feel better, beside I haven't even showered yet. It usually takes me more than an hour to shower, I don't know if it was because I was so drained but I only took like fourthy minutes.

Thirty minutes into my shower, I heard my doors creaking sound, but it seemed like the person didnt want anyone to know they came in, parts of the reason why I hurried my shower up.

I wrapped a pink towel around my body and picked up my clothes contemplating whether to come out or not since I knew there was someone inside my room, I knew it wasn't Faisal because Asiya told me he had to go back to his hostel immediately after the meeting, after making up my mind, I finally exited the bathroom.

Even though I knew there was someone in my room, I was pretty surprised, I haven't seen this guys in almost a year.

Kashifat, Zainab, Samira and Asiya were all laying on my bed, they are our cousins Aunt Murjanatu's children (My late Dad's younger sister)

Samira was the first one to notice me and eyes lightened up immediately,
"Aunty Umma!" she rushed to me hugging the living daylights out of me, everyone noticed me and rushed to hug me including Asiya making me floor on the soft carpet.

After struggling for a while i finally managed to push them off my body.
"I understand we all miss each other. But, that's not a good reason to break my bones" I glared at them playfully.

Zainab smacked my head grinning like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes and stood up,
"I thought you guys weren't coming until tomorrow"

"Yeah, but Abba had to come for work so we all just decided to follow him" Kashifat explained.

I nodded before walking to the wardrobe and bringing out a long sleeve white T-shirt and grey pants, since I'm not going anywhere today.

After i changed we continued chit chatting for some time, catching up on all the things we have missed when we were away from each other.

When it was time for me to cook lunch we all cooked together and also ate together before going to back to my room to continue from where we stopped.

"Oh my god, girls can you believe this?"Zainab exclaimed.

"Believe what?" Asiya asked.

"Ramadan is in six weeks, six weeks fah" she answered scrolling through her phone.

"Yeah, time seems to be passing by really quickly" I commented.

"Yes, kun kusa mutuwa" Samira said wiping a invisible tear from her cheeks.

"Uhum, ke fah?" Zainab asked glaring at her.

"Who me? No, not until I marry Jimin" she scrunched up her face.

Who be Jimin again?

"The Jimin that doesn't even know you exist" Kashifat laughed.

We all laughed, expect for Samira who just rolled her eyes annoyed at us.

"I can't wait for the holy month to come" I squealed, the holy month is like an escape space for me, a healing process, and before it passes it leaves me with countless blessings and happiness.

"Yeah, Alhamdulilah for Islam"

And all night we stayed up and continued to talk about my wedding, and at that moment I realized my life couldn't get any better.

Or could it?

Hey, bye.

I'm currently in class😂

With love

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