Chapter 36: Panic Mode

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She let out a deep breath as she got a message that the delivery guy was here, even though the whole process was rushed, she still couldn't not get anything for Idayah and Ashraf.

She excused herself and walked out of the hall to get her delivery, a little hand tugged at her veil making her look down immediately.

"Noorie, What are you doing here?" She asked holding on to her hand tightly.

The little girl pouted,
"There are a lot of people Ammi, I want to follow you"

"Let's go, but stay by my side hmm?"

The little girl nodded and they both continued walking, she quickly pushed Noorie to the side, her heart almost dropping, the red car sped passed them without halting even for a second.

"Go to hell! Idiot!" She shouted after the driver panting heavily, this car definitely belonged to one of the family members, she could recognize the pallet number any where.

Hissing she turned around and spun the girl around, searching for any injuries, when she didnt find any she sighed and hugged her closer to her body.

"Ba inda yake maki ciwo?"

When Noorie shooked her head, she sighed again already tired, she just wanted to go home now.

"Its fine, lets just go and get the new baby's gift and then we can go home"

They continued walking and soon got to the delivery man, she greeted him and he gave her a paper to sign.

"Ammi, can I go and get my earing? It fell down there" Noorie tugged at her veil again.

She looked to where the little girl was pointing at, it was not that far from them,
"Yes, you can go, but come back as soon as you grab it okay?"

The little girl ran off after sending a firm nod to her mother.

"Thank you" she thanked the man and collected the large wrapped box, he said a thank you back and hopped on his bike and roaring it to life.

As soon as the delivery man was on the road, the same red car sped past her almost knocking him in the process, she almost screamed but quickly stopped herself when she saw that the bike man was alright.

She shook her head, her heart boiling with anger at the driver of the car.
"Come on, let's g-" she started.

She looked around the parking space, but they were no signs of her.

"Noorie?" She called out her name, trying not to panic, maybe she was just playing games, but she was not the type that plays games, if it was Noor she wouldn't have worried herself, the girl was always causing trouble.

"Noorie?" She called out again, this time a little skeptical.

A few minutes after searching the whole parking space, the panic kicked in completely, her baby was lost.

"Noorie!" She screamed out her name for the umpteenth time, looking around the parking space wildly, she did not check the hall, yes the hall, she must be in the hall.

She tried to walk casually as to not draw any unwanted attention to her, but with the way she looked, it was barely working.

As she walked into the hall, she searched and walked through people looking for her, she couldn't see any of them, not even Ameer.

Aryaan had been looking all over the hall for Umma, he missed her, over the years they have grown so so close, that they couldn't spend some good ten minutes without seeing or hearing from each other, he has been calling her phone, but it was not going through.

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