Chapter 15: Glowing.

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If anyone told me I will look anything like I did now, I would have called him a liar, Aunt Murja got a woman from Maiduguri that takes care of my skin, even before I met her I've heard alot of great things, I have my skin therapy in mornings, and also every night before I go to sleep.

Sometimes if I touch my skin, I feel as if my finger is going to sink into my skin, I'm glowing I know it, I've become more beautiful, and I definitely feel more beautiful, we are currently staying in Asiya's room, by now, the house was full.

"So, After Kamu there won't be any other event on our side right?" Kashifat asked.

"Yes, and also pick out the dress she will wear after the daurin aure for pictures" Zainab said.

It was only me, Zainab, Kashifat, Minal (Uncles friends daughter and also my friend), Sultanaa (my friend from secondary school) that was in the room, Asiya and Ikram were busy with looking for event planners, we've already found the Mc, the kamu was going to take place at garden event center.

"Which photographer did you book ?and you know we also need videographers" Minal said jotting something on a paper.

"Yes, gaskiya we need a videographer" Sultaana agreed.

"Uhuh, photographer I booked Dark shades, photography and videographer I booked Nate genius" Zainab explained.

"Okay, what about the makeup? The most important?" Sultaana asked.

"Asiya said I should leave that to her, I don't know idan tasamo" Zainab answered.

"It's only make up that we haven't marked on our list yet, so call her and ask her." Minal said.

"Okay then, where's my phone?" She asked.

"Shoot, I forgot its with ikram wallahi" Zainab added.

"Amarya, please borrow us your phone" Zainab asked again, sheepishly smiling at me.

I glared at her
"Is my name Amarya?" I threw the phone at her and she caught it giving me a toothy grin.

I just rolled my eyes and laid back on the bed.

Zainab called her and she told them.

"Yes, make up checked" Minal said Happily.

The door open revealing a dishelved samira, we all burst into laughter looking at her face.

"I swear, working with those oldies can kill you" she complained collapsing on the bed.

We all laughed again.
"Aha before I forget, Aunty Umma, Mummy said you should get ready and go greet the guests, Daada is on her way" Samira informed scrunching her face.

"More drama is coming to this house kenan" Kashifat said going into Asiya's closet.

I sighed and stood up.

"Okay, I've called the henna artist, Aunty fati (my skin therapy woman) has already invited one, so I called only one" Kashifat said coming out of the closet.

I picked up a towel, I was already tired from my morning therapy and now I have to go and greet everyone, Ya Allah, I just want to have some sleep.

I can't even have a normal bath, I must put some perfumes into the bath tub before entering it and I also have to use one soap that is very itchy, I hate it, I just love the outcome sha.

I could hear very loud noises from the room, and from what I could hear, I think a bunch of people just arrived.

After spending one hour in the bathroom, using all the soaps they warned me to use I came out with a towel and my big hijab.

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