Chapter 35: New found Happiness.

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Her eyes flew open, and she pulled the duvet away and stood up immidiately, she left the room following the smell of something burning, which from what she was sniffing was coming from the kitchen.

What she saw made her stop in her tracks with her mouth hanging open, they didn't even notice her they were too engrossed In whatever it is they were doing.

Ameer, Nabil and their father were trying to get the frying pan off the stove to the sink, while the girls were seated on the floor with a big rubber of ice cream in front of them.

She cleared her throat crossing her arms across her chest,
"What's going on here?"

They all turned to look at her with nervous smiles and on their faces, the girls quickly stood up, they looked at each other before saying together.


She couldn't help the smile that graced her face, no matter how she tries to stay angry at them she couldn't, because they were just so cute.

Aryaan came closer to her with a big smile on his face
"Happy birthday habibty" he said kissing her on the forehead.

"Thank you" she smiled ".... Now tell me what happened to my kitchen"


Seven (7) years ago Allah had blessed them with Muhammad Nabeel, a complete copy of his father not just by the looks, but with everything else, the way he talks, his behaviour, every single thing.

Four (4) years after, the twins came, Maryam Noorie and Khadijatul Noor, the stubborn duo, honestly if you're not patient you'll not be able to deal with the two of them, pure trouble makers.

Ameer is now twelve (12) and she could say that they have both done a great job, because that boy is a big gentleman even at his young age.

Now, she had Four amazing kids and she couldn't be more proud of them.

Asiya had gotten married to Mahmud, and they now have two kids, Abdul Aziz and Aliyah.

Asma'u had also gotten married to a yoruba Muslim guy, Umar Faruk, and they have one very cute daughter, Haulat.

Ashraf got married to Idayah , sick turn right? guess I wasn't over thinking in the first place, they got married two years ago and have still not been blessed with a child yet.

Everyone was happy in one place or the other, finding happiness doesn't reside in money, beauty or power, it resides in caring for one another and been with the one you truly love.


"Happy Birthday darling" Aunt Neehal kissed her cheek and patted her head a little.

She smiled widely and hugged the beautiful old woman, she didn't know how she did it but every time you are worried or angry about something, just one hug from Aunt Neehaal and everything will disappear into thin air, she doesn't know if it's her warmth or maybe it's just the scent of her humra that delights the soul of a being.

"I'm definitely coming for that humra again" she whispered while Aunt Neehal just laughed and nodded.

"I'll be waiting"

The birthday dinner was more like a family reunion, because even people she hasn't seen over a year were there.

Zainab hugged her from behind, a cheeky smile on her face, her coming to the event was a surprise to everyone, more especially Umma, every day they spoke on the phone but she never mentioned coming to Nigeria, two years ago after the marriage of her sister and her cousin, she left because she couldn't bear the pain of seeing them together, she was happy for her sister alright? It was too much of what she could handle she had already bottled up a lot for the past few years, she moved back to Saudi Arabia to live with her uncle and ever since then this was the first time she was setting her feet in Nigeria again.

After all the hug and photo sessions, Ashraf and a very shy idayah announced the news of her pregnancy, Idayah shy weird right? Everyone hugged and congratulated them wishing her a smooth pregnancy and a safe delivery.

Kashifa and Affan walked in with little baby Ahmed in Affan's arms, she was saving the best for last.

Three years ago there had been a disastrous wedding, Kashifa and Affan's, if you had been there you would have sworn Kashifa would be long dead if she was going to live with Aisha, but somehow she was still alive.

Honestly, she thought Aisha's kishi was too much for a single woman, but who was she to talk? till this day she could clearly remember what she had felt back in Maldives, it wasn't nice, not at all, even the mere thought of it spoiled her mood so she put it at the back of her mind.

Samira side hugged her and she glared at her through her lashes
"Malama kin sanni ne?"

She pouted and kissed her on the cheek
"Come on I said I'm sorry mana, why are you always holding grudges?" She looked at her annoyingly with furrowed eyebrows, wow, She was at loss of words "....why are you looking at me like that? anyways happy birthday" she said and let go of the hug her eyes scanning the hall.

"I'm gonna go find the twins, it's pictures time" she walked away without letting her say anything.

Somethings never change.

Someone tugged at her dress and she looked down, Nabil was clad in a blue Indian attire, who the hell dressed him up? she doesn't know.

"Ammi, I've been looking for Auty Zeena (Her cousin) I can't find her But I've seen Aunt Samira and Aunt Kashifa" he pouted looking out the door if he could catch a glimpse of her.

Luckily, as soon as she looked at the door Zeena came in dressed in a black dress with a white veil, she looked very much beautiful.

"Nabil!" She exclaimed pulling his cheek, he laughed and hugged her waist muttering something like I miss you, If I was the one who pulled his cheek, I wouldn't have heard the end of it but since it's his Aunty Zeena he has nothing to say.

We had a small talk before I went to in search of my husband, i hadn't seen him since after we came into the hall , and I was missing him.

I stood at a corner to rest , I couldn't find him anywhere in the hall where could he be?

I almost yelled when someone wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me from behind, but, when his scent hit my nostrils I couldn't help but smile.

"Where have you been?" I asked turning around to face him.

He pecked my lips and grinned, "Nowhere "

I eyed him a little
"I searched everywhere for you"

"Well, I'm here now"

Without saying anything I wrapped my self around him, my heart beating fast.

Euphoria, was what I felt.

Allah ya nuna mana munji euphoria muma, Ameen.

Thank you for reading❤

With love,

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