Chapter 26 : Umm Ameer.

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She put in one caprison before closing the food flask.

She walked out of the kitchen back to her room to freshen up a bit, she had already gotten used to waking up at 5 am in the morning and no matter how tired she was, she simply couldn't over sleep.

In about Fourty five minutes she was done getting ready, she headed to Ameer's room to see if he was ready for school, she knew how stubborn he could be.

True to her words he was still jumping around in his pajamas when she got to the room.

Sighing she walked into the room passing his nanny a smile as she greeted her.

The little boy's face lit up as soon as he saw her.
"Good Morning Ummi"

Two days ago, he had brought up the habit of calling her 'Ummi' and she couldn't help the smile that graces her face when ever he calls her that.

"Good Morning Prince " she answered with a smile, he ran forward to where she was standing and wrapped his tiny hands around her, she hugged him back lifting him up to her arms.

"Why aren't you ready for school?" she asked.

He pouted a little
"I don't want to go to school"

She widened her eyes

"I want to stay with you" he tightened the hold he had around her neck.

She smiled a little and scooped him more into her arms.

"But I'm also going to school"
She said pulling his nose a little.

He widened his eyes the way she did some seconds ago
"No Ummi, you're done with school"

She shook her head
"No, Ummi is not done with school, she's also studying so she could be a professional writer one day, don't you also want to make daddy proud?"

He nodded his head
"Good, if you want to make daddy proud then you have to study very hard"

"I also want to make you proud Ummi" he added and her heart swelled with so much love for the little boy in her arms.

"Okay, then you have to study very very hard, no playing when it's time to study and you can't miss school if not necessary, hmm?"

He nodded his head again with a big smile on his face.

"Now let's get ready" she said putting him down.

"Ummi can i have a bubble bath please?" he gave her those puppy eyes.

"You are late for school prince, some other time okay?"


She gave him a bath, and his Nanny helped her to get him ready, when he was all set she picked up his school bag and carried him downstairs for breakfast.

Like she said Ameer was a handful, by the time she put him down her back was aching.

Still, his dad wasn't at the dining for breakfast, it couldn't be that he was
still sleeping at this time could it?

She contemplated whether to go check if he was fine or not, because this has never happened before, he had never overslept as he was always at the dining before anyone else.

"I'll be right back"
She patted Ameer's head and walked out of the dining.

On her way to his room she thought about just turning back, because all the time she had spent in the house she had never been to his room, and after just that one time he had never gone back to hers either.

She stood in front of his door with her hand outstretched, should she knock? Or not.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice the doors handle shifting, she only came back to her senses when the door creaked open.

Aryaan looked at her outstretched hand then back at her, what is she doing here? he thought

He had not gotten enough sleep yesterday because of the bunch of work he had, he hadn't had enough time to complete most of his work for the last few days.

She quickly retreaded her hand completely startled, she found it hard to speak even when she opened her mouth to say something nothing came out.

He offered her a small smile,
"Do you need something?"

His question made her heart ache a little, did she need a reason to come to her husband's room?

Don't forget you're just friends and friends don't just randomly visit one anothers room.

"I just wanted to call you downstairs for breakfast"

"I'll be there shortly" and before she could say anything he shut the door.

What else did she expect?

She walked back downstairs to wait for him, and true to his words he was downstairs shortly, his face was straight and void of any emotion, when she looked up and their eyes met, she saw so much coldness in them that she suddenly lost her appetite. Through out the breakfast no one said anything except for Ameer who kept talking about everything and nothing.

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With love,

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