Chapter 24: Meeting the Fam.

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The door of Aunt Mariya's chamber opened revealing an old lady, the old woman gave them a warm smile as she moved aside so they could walk into the chamber.

Aryaan smiled and greeted her and she answered with a big smile and looked to her left to look at Umma who bent down a little and greeted her.

Umma nudged Ameer who was busy playing games with her phone indicating for him to greet the old lady, he looked up a little and greeted her before sticking back to his fathers legs.

"Lafiya qalau, wannan itace Amarya tamu?" she asked with that big smile still plasted on her face.

"Eh baaba" Aryaan answered finding a spot to sit on one of the three sitters, with Ameer hopping right on his thighs.

Umma looked down a little and crouched down to greet the old lady again.

She answered.
"Allah ya bada zaman lafiya da zuri'a dayyiba" she prayed.

They all muttered a 'Ameen'.

"Baaba Aunt fa?"Aryaan asked.

"Tana sama, bari in kira muku ita" she said and climbed up the stairs.

They sat in silence for sometime before she came back.

"Yanzun zata sakko" the old lady said and said her Salaam before leaving for the kitchen.


They visited everyone in the family and she was so surprised at how kind they were, everyone was so down to earth, well expect Aunt Mariya, the woman was so rude, she kept on giving her the stink eye and she doesn't think she likes her.

By the time they were back at their chambers a quarter pass two so Umma took a bath and was ready to get some Afternoon sleep, but as soon as she closed her eyes Ameer ran into the newly dressed.

"Prince you didn't say your Salam" she scolded.

"Oh Sorry!" He apologized and ran out of the room,
"Assalam alaikum" he said his Salaam coming back into the room.

Khalthum laughed at his cuteness.
"Good boy"she patted his head.

He giggled and hugged her chest,
"Daddy said I should tell you to get ready because were going out"

Umma scrunch up her face in confusion, they only just got back, where could they be going again? Not having anyone to answer her question she gave a firm nod to the little boy in her arms.

"Okay, go and tell Daddy I'll be right there okay?"

He answered with an okay and ran out of room, again.

Still confused, she opened her wardrobe and stood in front, they were so many clothes, but she still didn't know what to wear.

After finallay deciding on something, she walked into the closet to get ready in a white shaddah which had a beautiful black stone work. This time around she put on a red lipstick and some powder, she wore a black veil and her black heels. As you can guess sprayed alot of perfume and rubbed on some of the humra she got from Aunt Neehal.

It was in the box he gave to her as a gift from his Aunts a few weeks ago, she's so in love, it smells heavenly and just like home.

Looking at herself one more time in the mirror, she brought out her phone and took a quick mirror pic to send to Asiya before walking out of the room.

As soon as she walked down the stairs, her incredible and welcoming cologne hit him first. He slowly lifted his face to look at her, his heartbeat fastened as he took a long breath.


He closed his eyes and just continued to inhale her sweet scent. He wondered how someone could be so beautiful, he felt her stand beside him so he got up and nodded at her greeting before walking out of the chamber with Ameer trailing behind him.

She stood their for a while before waking out of the chamber too, with a prayer.

When she got there Ameer was already sitted in the front seat so she opened the back door and settled down.

They remained there for almost fifteen minutes without him even starting the car, Umma got tired and decided to ask him.

"Are you waiting for someone?" She asked peeking at him a little bit, when she got no response she thought maybe he didn't hear her so she asked again.

"I'm not your driver, so i will not drive with you sitting in the back" He forced out.

She sighed, completely annoyed. Why didn't he just say so?!! Maybe they would have even reached their destination by now.

She opened the door and came out before slamming it close even Ameer flinched. A small smile played on his face at her outburst, but it was gone the second it appeared.

She got into the front seat and settled Ameer on her lap before they drove out of the mansion.

Soon they arrived at Gusto, it was very beautiful from the outside. She has never been here but she has seen alot pictures to know what it looks like completely.

She opened the car and kept Ameer down before she came down from the car.

He walked ahead while the two of them trailed behind him.

Two women stood at the door, they were both very pretty. The first one seemed to be in her 50s while the second one in her 30s.

"Welcome sir" they greeted.

"Thank you, this is my wife Umma and my son Ameer" he introduced them.

"Oh this is the bi-" the woman in her 50s started, but was quickly caught off by the other woman
"Welcome Ma. I am stella" she introduced "and this is Mary"

Umma smiled as she started at the large Gusto sign "Its so nice to meet you, thank you for the warm welcome."

"This way ma" they all headed to the private side of the restaurant.

The lights were turned off Umma started to get scared, she could also feel Ameer clinging to her tightly.
"Why is it so dark?" She asked starting spreading out her hands to grab a hold of Aryaan or any of the two ladies.

"H--H-Hello?"she stammered.

Before she knew it the lights were turned on and she quickly tackled Aryaan in a very tight hug, she was so scared.

Everyone screamed

Heyyyyy. Watchaaa doingggg?

I'm finally done with this chapter, from here I don't have problem I know.

So, thank you for reading.

With love

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