Chapter 33 : Honeymoon

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"Ladies and gentlemen, Peace Air welcomes you to maldives, the local time is 12:04, for your safety and for the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belts fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are packed at the gate".

The high pitched voice of the flight attendant woke him up, hissing he turned to his right, his shoulder felt heavy and he's sure that she must have slept on it.

He smiled when he remembered how their flight had been, its either she saw a cloud shaped like a donkey, or a bird flew by, even though she had said this was not her first time flying, because of the way she was behaving he was starting to doubt that.

When she opened her eyes, they were very heavy, it seemed she had fallen asleep, and for a long time too.

"We already landed let's go" he said to her as he stood up and pulled out their luggage.

"Okay" she said still a little bit sleepy.


After they got into the speedboat that'll take them to their hotel which was a 25-minute drive from the airport, she couldn't help but look at the beautiful scenery, it was so stunning, Masha Allah.

After the long drive they finally arrived at Velassaru Hotel.

Subhanallah! kamar baza'a mutu ba.

Other than the hotel being huge, it was breathtaking and so elegant, that was the outside of the hotel she was talking about, lights were everywhere lighting the whole place up.

Even the lobby was something to ogle at, she just stood beside him as he talked to the receptionist, she didn't even hear what they were talking about, she was so busy looking around the not so crowded lobby.

After he collected the card which was labelled as the 'key' to their room, they both thanked her and slowly followed behind the porter carrying their stuff.

The whole walk to their room was only her tapping him on the shoulder constantly whenever she saw something amazing,

After dropping their things in the room, he thanked the porter and escorted him outside, when he didn't hear her say anything about the room, he turned around to look at her.

She was staring at the ground, lost in her own thoughts.

He moved closer to where she was standing,
"Don't you like the room?" he said a bit loud seeing that if he talked gently she won't hear him.

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him

"Don't you like the room?"

He was starting to feel a little worried now, he couldn't understand her anymore, one time she's happy and her smile is radiating all over the place, and the next minute she's all gloomy and lost in her own world.

But again, had he ever understood her?

She looked around the room again, a smile adorning her beautiful face.

"No I don't like the room" she frowned suddenly and sat on the bed ".. I love it!!" she laughed.

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding, why did she have to do that?

"Come let me show you around" he grabbed her hand before she could speak.

After the little room tour, her mouth was hanging open, she was stunned by the beauty, Masha Allah!

She couldn't help but give him a little hug,
"Thank you for bringing me here"

Her hugged her back more tightly, her head on his chest,
"Anything for you" he said so softly she almost didn't hear him, but she did.

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