Chapter 25 : Birthday Surprise.

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A smile took over her face and she couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

What did she do to deserve such amazing people in her life?

By Allah she had forgotten today was her birthday,

She turned around to look at him, her husband, it felt so good.

He had this soft smile on his face that makes her heart melt for him even more, she raised an eyebrow and pouted a little.

He chuckled softly and untangled her hands from his hips pointing to everyone at the hall who were staring at them with big smiles on their faces.

Khalthum let go of him embarrassed, everyone was there including the elders, she just wanted the ground to swallow her.

They moved further into the hall and she hugged everyone saying a thank you.

She received numerous gifts from everyone and she stopped counting at fifteen,

Yes she was counting.


She sighed walking out of Ameer's room, that boy is a hand load, she had been trying to make him sleep ever since they came back because he had school tomorrow, but he kept on telling her different stories and even she was sleepy, lastly she had managed to put him to sleep.

She walked back to her room quickly because of how dark the varendar was, when she remembered what happened today she couldn't help it but smile, this was the happiest she had been in days.

She laid on her bed and closed her eyes slowly inhaling the sweet scent of his perfume on her palm that was the same reason she hadn't showered, suddenly a frown came over her face.

Wasn't she loving this man a little bit too much? she really needed to stay away from him, she knows how it's going to end if she continues to fall for him like this and by Allah she knew she was falling hard.

She opened her eyes again with the frown still etched on her face.

But he has done so much to see a smile on her face, he even threw her a birthday surprise, this was a first time for her because she had never celebrated her birthday growing up after her parents died, just a couple of birthday messages and the happy birthday songs Asiya always sang her.

But still, she needed to stop because she knows it won't end well.

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