Chapter 3: His Father's Son.

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Abu smiled, and I returned the smile before walking towards him to help him come down from the stairs.

I held his hand and we came down slowly and settled on the golden chairs.

"Babana you are back, I didn't expect you to come back this early" Abu commented adjusting his glasses.

Aryaan lowered his eyes,
"Uhm, I was done with my lectures, so I decided to come back."

"Thats good" Abu nodded.
" can take some rest, and oh, go to your Aunts chamber to see Ameer, he has been looking for you since morning"

Aryaan knew Abu avoided the topic of his marriage deliberately. He had to bring up the topic, even he wanted to avoid it and never speak of it ever again. But, if he doesn't talk about it now, he won't, at least not soon.

"Actually, I have to speak to you about something, Abu" Aryaan hesitated.

Abu looked up from his phone back to Aryaan,
"Yes. What is it you want to discuss?"

He lowered his head again,
"Its about the marriage."

Abu smiled realizing his son was shy for the first time, he almost performed sujud right there, ever since his wifes death it has been hard for the both of them, so this was a fresh start.

"Uhum, what about that?" Abu asked.

Aryaan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he had planned what he was going to say before coming, but seemed like everything washed away as soon as he stepped into the chamber.

"I've agreed to get married, after giving it much thought"

"I hope no one is forcing you?"

Abu asked a little worried, he surely wanted his son to get married again, he didn't want him to end up like his father, but still, he didn't want him to do something that was against his will.

Aryaan shooked his head quickly,
"No, no Abu no one is forcing me, I just have one request"

"What request is that?" Abu pressed on.

"I can't married to Naja'atu. Please"

Abuu looked startled for a minute, but happy at the same time, now that he has rejected the marriage by himself, he didn't have to do much.

"Hmm, I've heard you. I'll think about it" Abu said.

Aryaan nodded, relieved.

"Karka damu babana (don't worry my father) inshaAllah we'll find a way. Now go and take some rest" Abu patted his shoulders.

Aryaan smiled for the first time since they started talking "Thank you Abu"

Abu shooked his head slightly" No need"

After discussing a few more things Aryaan left for Aunt Neehal's Chamber, he hadn't seen Ameer at all today.

He said his salam and entered, and the first thing he saw was Ameer running in circles giggling excitedly, and idayah Aunt neehal's youngest daughter trailing behind him with a glass of milk in her hands.

Idayah noticed him first standing by the door and she stopped panting with a smile on her face.
"Hamma Aryaan, when did you arrive?" She asked.

With the slight mention of his name Ameer stopped running and turned to face him, He stared at him for a minute, contemplating whether to go hug his daddy or not, he was suppose to be angry with him for not coming earlier, after he made up his mind, he ran towards him attacking him with a hug.

"Daddy!" He exclaimed.

Aryaan laughed genuinely and picked Ameer up.
"My soldier, how have you been?"

"Good daddy, but, Aunty Idayah wants to give me milk and I don't want it" Ameer complained.

"Don't you want to be healthy?" Aryaan asked collecting the milk from Idayah who was looking at them in awe.

Ameer closed his nose as he gulped all of the milk down his throat.

He gave Aryaan the now empty cup.
He smiled giving Idayah back the cup "Good, now my boy is very healthy"

Ameer jumped up dancing around, before going back to play with his toys.

Aryaan, Aunt neehal, Idayah, Zainab(Idayah's elder sister) and Ameer who was sitting on Aunt Neehals lap were all sitting down in Aunt Neehals living room.

"Abba" Ameer called out to Aryaan whose eyes were on his phone busy checking his emails.

"Yes" he answered raising his head to look at his son.

"When is my mummy coming?" Ameer asked innocently.

That caught Aryaan off guard, what was he suppose to say now? Aunt Neehal looked at Aryaan waiting to hear the response he was going to give his son.

"Ameer" Aryaan Warned.
"I thought we closed this topic?" He asked.

"Did you go to greet everyone when you came in today?" Aunt neehal asked, changing the topic

"No" Aryaan shook his head.

"Why?" She asked again
"You know how Umm Naja can be" she added.

Aryaan sighed silently "Let her do what she wants Aunt, I don't care besides, I was tired when I came back" he answered not the least bothered.

Aunt Neehal just shook her head again, lost of words to say.

Another chapter, I love the way the father and Son understand each other, its refreshing for me lol.

I hope you all have a great day, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment x

With love

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