The Reckless Rebels

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"I suggest you let her go." Axel warned in a deadly serious tone. He stood threateningly before us, all of his friends surrounding him. My eyes met Aces who was now pointing a gun at all of us, I widened my eyes in fear when he winked at me and smirked, not easing my nerves at all. He wore a manic look and I was struggling to rid myself of thoughts that told me how good looking he was when he pointed a gun at me. Was I loosing my mind?

My back vibrated as the man that held me hostage laughed loudly in my ear. "It's either this dies or every fucker in this joint does!" He snarled, pressing the gun roughly against my head for emphasis. I whimpered as my scalp began to throb at the cold metal pressed against it.

I tried to wiggle away as he shouted at me. "Shut it bitch." He shook me angrily, making me cower away in fear.

At his threat of violence every member of the Inferno Kings pulled their guns out, mirroring Aces stance. It gained the attention of all of the customers within the diner, some of the screaming while others just cowered in fear. The screams were enough to distract the Rebel who held me hostage as she shouted at them all to be quiet.

I seized my opportunity as soon as I felt the cold metal move further away from my head. I brought my elbow back as hard and as fast as I could, jabbing him painfully in the ribs, enough to force him to release me. "Get back here!" He growled, reaching for me as I jumped away from his hand.

A gun shot rang out through the room and instinctively I threw myself to the floor. I screamed when something got and wet splashed up the right side of my face, against my better judgement I wiped it away my fingers stained a bright crimson. Shots fired above my head as I recognised the lifeless body beside me. It was the rebel. Except now he had a gaping bullet hole in the centre of his head.

My screams were trapped in my throat as I looked at the man, horrified. I rolled away from him, tears in my eyes as I attempted to crawl beneath a booths table. I was pulled back by my leg and I kicked out at the stranger, they turned me over. As I rolled over I'd managed to grab a fork from the table tops and without even thinking stabbed into my attackers face.

Thankfully I'd stabbed another rebel who was screaming and clutching at his eyeball where a fork was protruding from. I felt sick at the sight but was quickly on the move again as Gunner pulled me to my feet and pushed me towards Ace who was awaiting me with open arms.

Gun shots still rang out as he ushered me towards the kitchen door which was now open as Charlie stood holding it open. He beckoned for me to come in but the image of a little girl and her parents stopped me from moving. "What are you, fucking crazy?" Ace growled attempting to push me in.

"We've got to help everyone!" I shouted over the crossfire.

"I don't care about anyone else Ava, I care bout you so get out of here!" He told me.

"We can't just leave them!" I pleaded, he made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat. His face scrunched up in annoyance.

"Fuck everyone else Ava, get in that god damn kitchen!"

I pushed past him, charging towards the family with determination. The mother was holding her child beneath the table as the father shielded them both with his arms. "Come on!" I shouted pulling on the fathers arm.

He peered over his shoulder cautiously and I pointed towards the kitchen door. "Let's go, come on!" I screamed impatiently. He grabbed his wife's hand and they all ran towards the kitchen door.

"You've done your good deed now let's go Ava!" Ace yelled, tugging my arm but I couldn't just save one and nobody else.

"Get off me Ace!" I pulled my hand from his and ended up running round the tables to empty our booths. I directed the customers to the kitchen that Charlie still stood in the doorway of, ushering everybody through.

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