Where is she?

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Ronan had debated getting up that morning, he was going to wait until Ava woke up but he also wanted to do something nice for her after the day she'd had yesterday and instead had decided to make breakfast for her. He'd been cooking some eggs, scrambled just the way Ava liked when Sierra had came down with Noah. She looked shocked to see her older brother working his way around the kitchen. Noah however was ecstatic to see his uncle, even though he'd been staying home lately ever since the rebels had made their presence known Noah barely got to see his uncle Ronan.

"Is she okay?" Sierra mumbled, carefully trying not to let Noah listen in on their conversation. Even though Ronan had been through hell and back the day before he looked bright eyed, happy even yet Sierras question had put a dampener on his mood. He was trying to forget what had happened because he knew Ava needed him and whenever he thought about what had happened to both Ava and Jessica he wanted to track down every single rebel to ever exist and make them pay for what they'd done.

He nodded, eyes focused on making sure that her eggs were perfect. "Ma?" Noah called from the table, growing bored as he waited for breakfast. Sierra looked at her brother warily before turning to her son, a bright smile plastered onto her face. "Can I go wake auntie Ava now?" Sierra was against the idea, not wanting him to go charging in and disturbing her while she tried to recover from her terrible ordeal yesterday but Ronan had finished her breakfast and couldn't wait to see the smile on her face.

So instead of leaving Ava to rest any longer both Ronan and Noah went to give her a well deserved breakfast in bed. Noah obviously charged ahead, eager to see his aunt and threw open the door. Down the hall Ronan called to him not to jump on her but when had Noah ever listened. He ran straight in, throwing himself on the bed landing on top of Ava. She didn't move, she didn't even flinch. Noah waited expectantly for her usual sneaky smile but it never came so he gently put his hand against her face. "Auntie Avaaaaa!" He sang loudly but there was still no response. 

Noah was confused, he knew his aunt was a light sleeper and she would never ignore him no matter how tired she was. She'd told him as much when he woke her up on Christmas a few years ago and he'd never forgotten it. He grabbed onto her shoulder shaking he vigorously in hopes she would wake up to greet him. His eager smile had fell from his face as he wondered why his aunt wouldn't talk to him. Had he upset her? He didn't think he had, Ronan finally entered the room holding onto Ava's plate of breakfast and a glass of orange juice.

Ronan noticed Noah's worry, quickly placing the food and drink onto his bedside table. "What's wrong Noah?" He asked before rounding the bed to the side that Ava hadn't moved from all night.

"Auntie Ava won't wake up!" He threw his hands in the air exasperated by his Aunts ignorance. "I shook her, jumped on her. I've tried everything!"

His words had worried Ronan and he asked Noah to get down from the bed so he could try to wake her but the moment he touched her skin, feeling how cold she was his heart sank. "Love?" He called to her, his hand pressed against her face looking for any sign that she was just sleeping. "Ava? This isn't funny you're scaring Noah." Nothing.

Ronan was now kneeling besides the bed, his face pressed as close as he could to her face trying to hear if she wasn't breathing. He was met with stony silence as his nephew watched on curiously, completely unaware of his uncles horror. Anxiety gripped Ronan and he rolled Ava onto her back before pressing his fingers to her neck. There was no pulse. Panic gripped him, tears welling up in his eyes and he began to shake his girlfriend to try and wake her up one final time. He was met with the same response, nothing.

"Sì!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his voice shaking as emotion overcame him. "Ma! Call a fuckin' ambulance!" He heard the quick patter of feet before Sierra appeared in the doorway, his mother following shortly after. They watched in the doorway trying to assess what was happening. 

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