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It seemed me running away had been completely been forgotten, a week had passed and nobody had mentioned it. The last week had gone by painstakingly slow, I'd been forced to stay here under the strict orders that I wasn't to leave without a club member which seemed near enough impossible since there was none around in the day but plenty of them were in the bar at night.

I hadn't stepped foot outside of the clubhouse walls since the incident at the diner. I'd spent my days helping Cain and some of the other old ladies in the bar but usually ending up with Mac on the nights once he and the others returned from whatever it was they were doing.

I'd barely seen Tahlia she had been attached to Milos hip now that he'd presented her as his old lady. This was something that Gunner and her parents  approved of, Tahlia tied up with a club member meant a stop to her wild ways. I missed her when it was quiet here and I was bored but understood that she now had responsibilities within the club.

Axel had been busy with the guys which meant that I'd only see him on the nights. I'd only see him for an hour or so before he decided to "hit the sack" as he called it. He'd seemed a lot more relaxed with the idea of me being apart of the club, even I was becoming more accustomed with the ways of the club having spent over a week here.

During my time here I'd made friends with some of the members old ladies, I'd even met Diesels wife that I hadn't known existed. She wasn't an old lady because Diesel kept their relationship separate to the club which meant that she had no part of it.

I suppose this was his way of keeping her safe. Her name was Jessica and after meeting her I understood why I'd never heard of her before, she was a small girl and was too innocent for a place like this. It wasn't someone I imagined Diesel to go for but in all honesty they made a nice match.

Ace didn't seem bothered by it, he had never mentioned it so I presumed he was okay with it. Another reason as to why I was so confused by how he'd been adamant to keep my here and inform everyone that I was now apart of the club. But then again nothing every came to me as a surprise with that man, he was so hot and cold.

He hadn't spoke to me since the diner and I was more than happy to keep it that way. I'd wanted to chew him out for telling everyone my secret but decided against it every time he so blatantly ignored my existence.

Right now I was helping Jimmy's old lady, Tracy, with setting up the bar. This morning it had been announced that we'd be getting an arrival of one of the clubs side patches. A side patch was apart of the club but located somewhere else in the country, they often visited one another to form alliances regarding club business.

"Will you pass me that bottle of vodka please Doll?" Tracy asked, pointing to a box that we hadn't yet opened. Apparently this kind of party meant that the clubhouse needed ridiculous amounts of alcohol, which needed to be unpacked by none other than me, Cain and the members old ladies.

I grabbed the knife off of the counter and sliced the cello tape away, revealing the glass bottles. "How many you want?" I called back.

"About four, you can put the rest in that cupboard over there." She told me nodding towards a cupboard by the meeting room that I hadn't noticed before. I handed her the bottles, one after the other before folding the cardboard back over so that the top was somewhat sealed.

I struggled to carry it but somehow managed to reach the door. The door was already cracked open so I nudged it open the rest of the way with my foot, I was peering over the top looking at all the  shelves when I found an empty place. I slid it in, filling the gap. I blew out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

When I returned back to the bar the men had returned. I broke out into a smile when I noticed Mac, he had his back to me. "Where's Ava?" He asked, looking round the bar cluelessly.

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