Thank you

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It had been over a week since I'd last seen Ace and so much had happened. He'd tried to call me before I blocked his number and then he started turning up at my front door before Ronan had told him to leave. Sierra was at the psych hospital, I'd met her at the hospital before she had left and she'd seemed better already, thanking me for giving her Axels letter so I only presumed that had something to do with it.

I had Noah stay with me, honestly he'd kept me busy meaning I had no time to think about what Ace had done. I'd tried to see Noah as much as I could because I'd followed through with my word, I'd accepted my offer into Yale and I had to admit I was a bundle of emotions. I was excited to start a new life and leave this one behind, nervous because it was a big thing to leave my hometown but I knew this was what Axel would've wanted for me so I was going to see it through regardless.

Id quit my job at Mels, something I'd struggled to do because charlie had basically begged me to stay but I told him about my Yale offer and he'd understood. I felt sad when I'd left him even though it had been a while I'd been off of work yet I'd worked there for years.

Tahlia had dropped by a few times, the first time spent with me crying my eyes out while sharing ice cream with her before she had joked about how badly beaten I had left Steph. Selfishly I didn't feel guilty about it but the more human side of me was ashamed of my actions. She was sad to hear I was leaving but excited for me to finally get my degree, she was still upset over loosing Milo however had let it slip that the doctor from the hospital had asked her out on a date. I was happy for her, what happened with Milo was a disaster and she deserved better so I could only hope this doctor was the beginning of a happy, healthy chapter for her.

Cain stopped by too and I realised how little time we spent together lately, it actually made me quite sad because I felt as if I'd formed a friendship with him. He'd told me that the club was going through a rough patch, Ronan had called off their deal because of what happened with ace which led to an uproar amongst the club for not making a club decision before going after Ronan. The relationship with the New York charter had also become strained because Tony was refusing to work with Ace.

Tony had checked up on me more times than I could count, he was ecstatic when I'd told him I'd already accepted the offer and had offered to help me pack my things. He'd help me set up my accommodation with Yale, telling me to leave it all to Nancy because she knew what she was doing. I had one more night before I left for Yale and in the last week I had started up a project to distract me from my problems before I ran away from them.

I'd been to the house Axel had bought and left for me, it had three bedrooms one with an en-suite. It had been empty so I'd decided that when Sierra returned from the hospital in LA that she could have the house with Noah. I was still keeping a room for myself for when I visited or if I ever decided to move back here.

It had taken me a day or two to finally get all of the paint and everything I'd need to make the house a home. Surprisingly Ronan had offered to help me out, I'd let it slip to him when I was late picking Noah up. Ronan and I were  most definitely friends now, because of the house we were spending a lot more time together and I was enjoying his company. I was actually surprised with how much free time he had, he was the president of an MC which I'd presumed he was busy twenty four seven like Ace had been.

I was in Noah's new bedroom, painting the wall a baby blue when I'd heard the front door open and close. "Ava you here?" I heard Ronan call, I was on a small step ladder painting the awkward parts near the ceiling. Ronan had spent hours perfecting the paint on the ceiling and I didn't want to ruin his handiwork.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, covering up the last part. "I'm in Noah's room!" I was squinting at the wall, making sure that it was perfect before putting the paintbrush on the edge of the tray I had been holding.

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