No coming back

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I'd cried near enough the whole way home, not stopping once. Even as I was under the sweet solace of my bed covers I cried until my throat was sore and a throbbing had begun in my head. I'd gotten back close to one am and had not managed to fall asleep until near enough two, my mind and heart tortured by the images of Ace kissing someone else.

I don't know why I was surprised, he'd acted like he'd hated me maybe he was acting nice and the hate was genuine. At the end of the day what would a biker want with a girl that cried all the time and lived such a normal, basic, boring life. Maybe this was what I needed to face facts, I didn't belong in the club before and I don't belong there now, I probably never will belong there. This was my wake up call, I needed to leave the clubhouse and continue with my normal life. I'd go back to work and to college, I'd return to living the all so entertaining world of studying and working.

A loud banging had me jumping up in bed, thoughts of an intruder breaking in. I leaned over to my bedside table, opening the draw and finding the hammer that Axel had put in there for me. I blearily looked at the time, two fifteen. I'd slept only for fifteen minutes.

Now awake with a bundle of nerves for a stomach or maybe it was just all the alcohol I'd used to drown my sorrows taking it's toll. I threw back my covers, stumbling through the hallway as quietly as possible. The banging was persistent and loud, if they were breaking in then they were making themselves known.

I clutched the hammer to my chest as I stepped closer to the living room, leaning up on my tiptoes to peer through the peephole. On the other side was a dishevelled and very drunk Ace. How did he know I had even come back here?

"I know you're there Ava!" He yelled, looking up at me and I flinched away. It was as if he could see me looking back at him. I pursed my lips together, refusing to answer him. He didn't deserve it and as far as I was concerned, I was done entertaining him. My heart could no longer take his behaviour and my mind was becoming fed up of how bipolar he was.

"Ava!" He shouted again, banging on my door angrily. I closed my eyes trying my hardest to ignore him, I was trying so hard not to make a sound. I was hoping that he'd hopefully give up and just go back to the clubhouse. But I suppose there was no such thing with Ace.

I could hear the sound of a key turning and as I looked through the peephole I could see he was kneeling down by the door. Was he picking my lock? I scampered away from the door and hid in Axels room, if he was going to look for me he wouldn't find me in here. I pressed myself to the floor, crawling beneath the small space under his bed.

I heard the front door fly open and his heavy footsteps as he drunkenly scoured the apartment. "Ava!" He called out and I only buried myself further beneath the bed, stopping when I felt the wall against my back. He'd walked past my brothers room and I heard him throw open the door to my bathroom. I could hear the shower curtain being drawn back before he stormed away and headed towards my bedroom.

"Ava?" He whispered softly, his voice sounding child like. "What the fuck, where is she?"

I closed my eyes and silently prayed that he would give up. I didn't want to talk to him, I don't think I'd ever want to talk to him again. The way he'd treated me had made me never want to lay eyes on him again and if it wasn't for the fact that my brother was apart of the club then I probably would never step foot inside of that place again.

I heard the creak outside of my brothers room and I silently chanted to myself. Please don't come in, please. Please, please. I was begging to god knows who but whoever it was clearly wasn't listening as he pushed open the door, it squeaking as he opened. I could now see his white trainers as he tripped over his own feet, barely able to stand up straight.

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