Fuck it

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I went and sat with Cain and Mac at the bar. They were talking amongst themselves amidst all the other sounds that filled the space, music still raged on as the other club members laughed and chatted. It seemed that the New York patch were getting on well with the other members but I didn't really care. My mind was on other things.

My mind was on a tall handsome man covered in tattoos, he'd managed to work his way inside my head. I couldn't understand how he'd gone from ignoring me and basically hating my existence to nearly kissing me. He really messed with my head.

As I looked at Mac laughing at something Cain said I couldn't help but feel bad. I really did like Mac but with the way Ace had me feeling made me feel guilty for something I hadn't even done. "I'm gonna get some air." I mumbled while sliding off of my stool, deciding that the cigarette smoke was getting to me.

Both of the boys didn't even glance in my direction as I walked towards the front entrance. I sighed as the night air hit me when I stood outside, taking in a deep breath while I looked up at the dark blanket that had covered the sky. Stars twinkled down at me as I sat down on one of the concrete walls.

He'd asked what was I doing to him but I think the question was what was he doing to me? I rubbed my hands against my face tiredly as I let my thoughts run away. The past week had taken me by surprise, I'd killed someone but at the minute the only thing that seemed to be concerning me was Ace. Talk about getting your priorities straight.

The more time I spent here doing clubhouse things the more I'd forgotten my life on the outside of here, the more I wanted to forget about it. I didn't know how much longer I would have to stay here but I didn't even know if I wanted to leave and return back to the normalities. It seemed boring and I'd grown a craving for the life that the clubhouse had offered, it was something that had filled a void I didn't even know I'd had.

I could understand now why Tahlia had boasted about coming here everyday, this place made you feel like you belonged here. Of course I'd had Axel my whole life but I'd had made a new family here. One that held the history of my parents. I looked up to the stars thinking of them. Would they be proud of me? I wondered of the life that they had lived as club members but was bitterly reminded that they'd been killed because of the club.

My parents had died in a shoot out with another gang, from what I'd heard my father had tried to protect my mother but was killed before he could even get to her. I remembered the day Axel had come home to tell me, I'd been tucked away in bed and only a few hours after he'd stumbled into my room with eyes full of tears. He'd told me to never forget how much mom and dad loved us, no matter how much my dad fought for all of us.

I truly believed that my mom and dad were meant to be together, I still had vague memories of them as a child. Every single memory was of them loving us, loving each other and I would never forget it. I longed for that kind of love but just as quick as I'd thought it, I'd thought of Ace. I let out a frustrated breath of air trying to rid myself of his stupid, cocky smirk.

"Penny for your thoughts." The devil himself asked and I spun round, my heart hammering against my chest as he stalking towards me. He watched me closely as he approached me, his eyes never moving from mine. I was captured by the way he looked at me, he held me prisoner with just his eyes.

"Oh nothing." I muttered, shaking my head in a failed attempt to rid myself of my thoughts. "Just you know twenty two year old stuff."

He chuckled before pulling himself up on the wall beside me, I looked away as my eyes naturally zoned in on his tattooed arms that looked too good to be true. His arm brushed mine and without realising I'd moved closer as if it was a natural instinct to be beside this man. "And what is twenty two year old stuff?"

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