I love you

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Tahlia was going to make it, she'd been in surgery for the last few hours but the doctors were certain she'd pull through considering the circumstances. I had been instantly filled with relief, it almost drowning out the guilt that had been destroying me for the last couple of hours. However it had all changed once the doctors had come out of surgery with Cain, they were talking words to me but the only ones I could focus on were ICU and coma. He'd lost a substantial amount of blood due to how long it had taken for him to be admitted to the hospital, this had only worsened once the doctors had realised in surgery that there were parts of shrapnel from the bullets lodged into his body.

They'd told us that he'd had two blood transfusions while in surgery and they'd done what they could but had given him a fifty percent chance of survival. Not only that but they'd suggested that we say our goodbyes in case he didn't make it until the morning. If he did make it to the morning then they could look at transferring him to a hospital out of town that had better facilities which only made me cry even harder. I'd collapsed against Ronan as they delivered the news before he lead me towards Cains hospital room.

I was currently stood outside of it just staring at the door, I'd never been inside of the ICU to visit before but it was daunting. It was so much quieter than the other wards, an eery feel etched into the corridors and it seemed so much brighter here too. The last time I'd been here had been the night I'd met Ace, when I'd had my asthma attack and I was stood here now wondering if I'd just kept my distance would I still be here? I reached out for the door handle to cains room before pulling it back, tears were springing to my eyes at the thought of this being our last conversation and a conversation I wasn't sure he'd even be able to hear.

The doctors had reassured me that it had been proven that patients in comas could hear what we were saying but I still wasn't convinced. I didn't want to be a blubbering mess while talking to him and I also didn't want to see him lying in that bed without his usual boyish smile. I don't think I'd ever told Cain how much he actually meant to me and it made me even feel worse, like I hadn't learnt my lesson from loosing Axel. There were so many depressing feelings consuming me and I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it into his room.

A warm hand closed over my bare shoulder, heating up the skin and giving me goosebumps. I looked up at Ronan who was watching me with sympathetic brown eyes. "You can do this Ava." He spoke quietly, his voice soft and gentle as if he were going to break me if he spoke too loudly. "He needs you and you need him." My bottom lip quivered and I pressed them together to try and stop the tears but one managed to leak free. Ronans thumb brushed it away, unintentionally I leaned into his hand and he left it there just tenderly holding my face.

"I can't." I choked and this time he sandwiched my face between his two hands. "This is my fault Ronan." He frowned, his fingers pressed a little stronger against my face and he lifted my head ever so slightly so that I was looking him right in the eye.

"This isn't your fault Ava." His voice was serious, a stern edge to his words. "You are the closest person he has right now love, you'll regret if you don't go in there and tell him how much he really means to you." I heaved in a shaky sigh, the tears still falling before nodding. He leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to my forehead before finally pressing them against my lips. "I love you Ava." My heart skipped a beat, my mouth slightly falling open as I stared at him.

"I love you." I blurted not even realising I'd said they words until we were kissing again. I nearly dropped my crutches this time, the intensity of the kiss almost taking my legs out from underneath me. He pulled back, resting his forehead against mine taking in deep breaths at the same time as me. His pupils had dilated, almost as if he were intoxicated by some type of drug but I could still make out the honey colour around them.

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