Youll see love

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We hadn't even made it out of the hospital before Ronans phone started to blare from his pocket. He glanced at me warily, his arm snaking around the tops of my shoulders to hold me to him as he pulled it free. The both of us stopped near the sliding doors as he pressed his phone to his ear, eyes watching me the whole time. I knew that he was worried about what Chris had said, whether it was going to plant those stupid ideas of finally letting the rebels have me but the truth was the seeds had been planted as soon as I found out that it was the rebels that attacked.

"Yeah?" He listened for a few seconds before he pursed his lips, a dangerous look appearing in his eyes. "Meet you at the clubhouse in fifteen." He forcefully pressed the button on his phone, not bothering to put it back in his pocket but holding it tightly in his hand. I was suddenly confused to the sudden change in his demeanour and only presumed that whatever had been said on the phone wasn't good.

"Everything okay?" I asked him, feeling cold now that he'd withdrew his arm and was heading towards the car park. He shook his head, pointing to his truck. He waited for me at the passenger door, watching me with a look so intense it made me wobble against my crutches but of course his hands reached out to steady me. He cupped my face with his large hands, his thumb brushing the skin on my cheeks softly as he looked at me in adoration. "You're worrying me."

He sighed, his thumb halting its movement as his eyes searched my face. He looked so tired compared to now as if his anger from Tahlias hospital room had completely drained him. "I'm scared Ava." He admitted quietly, his eyes holding mine.

I frowned, I didn't know what I'd been expecting him to say but it hadn't been that. I lifted my own hand, resting it over the top of his hopefully comforting him. He seemed to relax, making me finally realise how tense he'd been and I felt guilty for not noticing sooner. This whole situation had us both stressed out and I didn't want it to affect anyone other than me because this was my fault. "Talk to me." My voice was gentle, almost as if I were talking to a frightened animal.

"I love you." He muttered back, lifting his fingers beneath my hand that had been holding his Tk entwine them together. "And I'm scared that these rebels are gonna get into your head so you think you gotta do something stupid. Don't say you haven't thought about it because I know you have and you get this look on your face." I'd opened my mouth to talk but he'd silenced me. "If you go Ava, you take me with you because you are the love of my fucking life."

I sucked in a breath, suddenly come with emotion as tears struck the backs of my eyes at the sudden feeling forming in my heart. It was strong and warm, making me feel inexplicably loved. It was something I hadn't felt since Axel had died, a love so fierce that never made you question it and right now I was feeling it. I knew in that moment that my heart would forever be ronans, that he now owned me heart and soul. "Promise me Ava you will stay with me."

I rolled my lips and his fingers tightened around mine, silently begging me to promise. I looked at him wondering how he was so blind to see that this whole problem could be solved if I just met with the rebels and gave them what they wanted yet the longer I looked at him the more I begun to realise that if he were feeling a fraction of what I felt for him then I'd destroy him by doing exactly that. "I promise." I croaked, my voice wavering from the sudden emotion I was experiencing.

He breathed a sigh of relief, pulling my head towards his lips so he could press them against my forehead. He ran a hand over my head, pressing it against the back of my neck and pulling me into his arms. I rested my cheek against his chest, letting him hold me. He was holding me as if his life depended on it, a silent reassurance I wasn't going anywhere. "I'm sorry." I stiffened against him, my eyes that were nearly closed shooting open at his words.


He chuckled, rubbing his hand against my back slowly. "We've gotta go see Ace." I relaxed slightly, not too thrilled that we were going to see my ex but relieved it wasn't anything to serious.

I groaned as he pulled back, holding me at arms length as I pushed myself to stand by my crutches. "Why?" Ronan held open the passenger door for me, offering me his hand so that I could climb up into the seat.

He frowned, watching me as I clipped in my seatbelt. "He's been in contact with the president of the Rebels." I felt my heart drop in my chest, a fear curdling in the base of stomach. Ronan pushed the door shut, rushing around the front of the truck to the drivers side while allowing me to process what Ace could possible have to tell us. Once he'd slipped into the drivers side his hand found mine, quickly squeezing it reassuringly. "We're just gonna go see what was said then we'll head back to my clubhouse to meet the others. Don't panic my love, nothings ever going to happen to you as long as I'm alive."

My eyebrows knitted together as I looked up at his earnest expression and for a brief moment I imagined loosing him because of something I did and my heart twisted painfully at the mere idea. "I don't care about me Ronan." I mumbled, trying to fight tears at the thought of loosing him. "I care about the possibility of others getting hurt, maybe even dying because of a mistake I made."

He snorted slightly and shook his head. "A mistake Ava?" His voice hardened, his eyes narrowing as he looked at me. "You saved yourself, you saved Cain! God knows how many other people you might've saved, they were killing people way before you came into the picture." I rolled my lips together, hoping to stop them from wobbling. I was so sick of crying, of feeling so helpless and pathetic. What made it worse was I couldn't go to Tahlia now and Cain wasn't even in town anymore, all I had was Ronan. "You did the right thing Ava no matter how much you tell yourself you didn't. No one else is gonna get hurt because we're gonna sort this properly."

"You can't guarantee that Ronan."

He smirked, a wicked smirk that set my skin alight with electricity as the truck roared to life. "You'll see love."

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