Be mine

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Sierra had already left by the time we'd gotten back to the house and I remembered that she was on another double tonight which meant I probably wouldn't see her now until tomorrow. Ronan had left me to shower which turned out to be harder than I'd originally planned, I'd had to somehow not get my cast wet which meant sitting with one leg out of my shower. I'd gotten shampoo in my eyes more times than I could count. By the time I'd managed to get myself out of the shower I was glad it was over.

Getting dressed had been an even harder task, I couldn't get any of my jeans over the big boot moulded to my foot which meant I'd had to put on a dress. I'd chosen a t shirt dress that reached the back of my knees, the pattern a black and white checkered. I'd also had to put one sock on and one shoe which felt odd to say the very least, I'd opted out of drying my hair feeling like I'd already spent too long getting ready.

Ronan was waiting for me at the kitchen table, eagerly jumping up when he noticed me struggling with my crutches. "You'll get used to them." He chuckled lowly, already moving towards the front door.

I groaned leaning up against the wall to give my hands some rest for a few seconds. The place that I used to hold me against the crutches were a solid plastic and it made my palms ache. "I hate these things." I complained.

"I could carry you." Ronan suggested and I was already shaking my head, picking my crutches back up and forcing myself to hobble out of the front door. He laughed at me, following me out and closing the door behind me. He was close behind me, his hands held out in case I lost my balance. He helped me into the truck too, taking my crutches from me and throwing them into the bed of his truck.

When he'd started the truck he also turned on the radio, soft music playing out as if he'd already knew there would be silence between us. I hadn't intended for silence but right now I wasn't entirely sure what to say to him. After the morning I'd had it was like everything that had happened was constantly being thrown at me, I was remembering lots of different things from the night before. Meeting Lily, doing one too many shots with Cain and then finding myself face to face with Ace while he steadied me with his hands. Yet all of that had been swallowed by Ronan.

I had to admit that I was irritated he'd lied just to get a reaction out of me yet I was extremely elated to know that he felt exactly the same way as me. I glanced at Ronan, he was concentrating on the road and driving a whole lot safer than he had earlier on today. I quickly looked away as the car came to a halt not wanting Ronan to know that I'd been openly staring at him if he hadn't noticed already. It took him two seconds to retrieve my crutches and help me down, he did the same in making sure he was close by should I need him.

The bell above the door sounded as we entered and i was hit with the familiarity of the place. Nothing had changed except there was now a stage in the corner that had a microphone stand and drum set. Ronan made a step forwards as if to seat himself but I stopped him. "Ronan we've got to wait to be seated." I nodded towards the sign in front of us that he acknowledged before holding his arms over one another.

I heard the kitchen door swing open and I leaned a little to the side, trying to get a better look at who would be serving us but accidentally knocked my face against ronans arm which had me quickly straightening up. Ronan glanced down at me questioningly but his attention was drawn to the small man that stood in front of us. He was grinning wildly and I was so happy that he'd remembered me. "Ava!" He gushed. "I didn't know that you were back!"

I returned the warm smile. "I've only been back a few days Charlie." I told him. He nodded before looking between Ronan and I.

"Table for 2 or are you asking for your job back?" He asked, his eyebrows raised hopefully. I rolled my lips together already feeling like I was letting him down even though he knew I'd left to follow my dreams of becoming a lawyer.

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